How To Create An App Step-By-Step How To Create An App How To Create An App At a time when having an application on the store for smartphones, especially on the AppStore and Android Market has become a habit for all persons seeking to be at the forefront of technology, it is necessary to have a reflection on the different ways to monetize the app, such as with Apple's iTunes platform, the possibilities are numerous. This will have an impact on how to create an app. Here's a quick overview of what he can do. 1. Model of the application fee In this model, the end user must pay before you can download and run the application. This model is probably the most lucrative and most used to monetize the current hours even though things are changing (see the section on integrated purchases). Advantages: - Direct inputs of money and fixed for each download - The revenue increase in proportion to downloads Disadvantages: - Application more difficult to sell because pay - User expectations largest This model is a great value if you can ensure that your application will be downloaded enough to be profitable. We must be concerned about the quality of the app and promote effectively and how to create an app with this model in mind. 2. Model of the free application This model is the most popular with users because it involves leaving the possibility to download and use the application free. This model is very often coupled with another model to ensure the monetization. This will be crucial on how to create an app in <b>...</b>
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