ZiGGURAT – iPhone Game Preview

ZiGGURAT itunes.apple.com Category: "Games", "Action", "Arcade" ****************************************************************************Subscribe to get DAILY UPDATES with games released on the iOs *************************************************************************** Like us on Fb: www.facebook.com Twitter @ iGamesView : twitter.com Follow Us on Google Plus : iGamesView Web: www.igamesview.com *************************************************************** If you are a game developer and you wanted a trailer or a video onto the channel then shoot across a message or you can also mail to igamesview@gmail.com ************************************************************* Logos and trademarks belongs to respective owners. Appstore Description: ". . . As The Universe Ends, The Last Human On Earth Continues To Prolong The Oblivion Of Its Race . . ." ZiGGURAT is the end of a much longer story -- a story which ends with The Last Human On Earth standing atop a stratosphere-high stone pyramid, wielding a laser rifle against an endless wave of relentless alien freaks. Where did the alien freaks come from? How did our hero get to the top of this pyramid? We have no time to think about such things: there is only time to shoot. The situation is hopeless: this is the end. Your only goal is to enjoy taking out as many of those alien freaks as you can. As the aliens jump up and down in their approach to our hero, their eyeballs grow and shrink. As you hold your finger on the <b>...</b>
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Time: 04:16 More in Gaming
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