A toddler building block toy. Now with 5 levels of different difficulties. Buy now for the iPad at itunes.apple.com or for the iPhone at itunes.apple.com This App is designed for toddlers to keep them entertained. Its design is based on the traditional building block toy. It has bright colours and is very easy to use. It has been tested with my two sons and keeps them entertained. There are no in-app purchases or iAds so there is less opportunity for the toddler to navigate away from the game. There are five different building block toys or levels : 1) Big Blocks 2) Build with Blocks 3) Build with Numbers 4) Build with Shapes 5) Build with Colours All of the toys operate in the same way with the toddler being able to move the blocks and build towers or structures. With 'Build with Shapes' and 'Build with Colours' the toddler can select either the shapes or the colours of the blocks and throw blocks they don't want in to the bin. |
Joanne Dodd
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Time: 01:02 | More in Entertainment |
Build with Blocks Video iPad App for Toddlers
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