IPAD Guide and Manual

Apple Forgot Your Manual?! What was the first thing you looked for when you opened your iPad box? Were you like me... surprised and disappointed that there was no instruction manual in there? I thought it was a mistake and the Apple factory forgot to pack my slick glossy full-color instruction book. Apple's whole model is "ease of use". The statement they tried to make was that you don't even need a manual. And, maybe that's true if you're just going to use your iPad as an overpriced email checker. But, it's not just a giant iPhone. You want to get more out of your iPad. You want to unlock it's full potential. But unfortunately, if no one actually shows you some of the iPad's less-obvious tricks and tips, you'll probably never discover them on your own. And, that is your iPad's one BIG flaw. "Well I have to admit, I didn't buy your iPad lessons thinking that I'd learn much, but boy was I wrong. I bought your course on a whim, and I was very half hearted when I started watching the videos. Imagine how surprised I was after I went back to my iPad and realized how many useful things I had picked up. Thanks!" - Jason Kiln 10838e61tqa0gvedx8qmm9l9xi.hop.clickbank.net Learn at Your Own Pace -- Stop, rewind, replay -- Didn't catch something? Review it over and over till you get it. Watch once without your iPad, then rewind and follow along using your iPad. Learn New Innovative and Productive Techniques -- Discover new ways to be productive throughout your day with these iPad <b>...</b>
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