Pakistan SMS App for iPhone, iPad, iPod. Send FREE SMS to Pakistan.

Save with Pakistan SMS! You can easily send SMS text messages to Pakistan to all of your family and friends across all the Pakistan mobile operators to any kind of phone. Tired of paying high charges to keep in touch with your loved ones in Pakistan. Pakistan SMS is an easy to use SMS app that allows you to send SMS messages to your family, friends, colleagues or anyone in Pakistan to any operator and any type of mobile phone. With Pakistan SMS iPhone app you can send a message to one number by select the number from your address book or just enter it as 92XXXXXXXXXX (92 is country code of Pakistan, XXX would be the operator code 300, 333, 345, 321, 312 etc.. while XXXXXXX is the actual number). You can send Text messages to multiple contacts by selecting them one by one or by typing and separating them by comma or you can send sms messages to the distribution list or the group from your iPhone contacts. Simply tap on the group name and write your message and click SEND! if you need to send a new sms message to the same group or person, you can just go to the history tab and send the message to the same group or numbers. Most amazing thing about Pakistan SMS is that it does not need the recipient to have an iPhone or even the Pakistan SMS app. All they need is the phone they already have. Features: - send sms text messages - easy and quick interface - login through Facebook for faster access - Share messages with users on Facebook - use address book groups; - Enter number <b>...</b>
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