Wireless over-ear headphones are an awesome way to listen to your tunes on-the-go, especially if you have an iPhone or an Android phone that's missing a headphone jack. The prices vary from affordable to outrageous, but https://www.amazon.com/Bluetooth-Headphones-TaoTronics-Wireless-Lightweight/dp/B07C86CNTS|Amazon|TaoTronics wireless over-ear headphones|2|Add Link">today you can grab an over-the-ear pair from TaoTronics for just $25.49https://www.amazon.com/Bluetooth-Headphones-TaoTronics-Wireless-Lightweight/dp/B07C86CNTS|Amazon|TaoTronics wireless over-ear headphones|2|Add Link">Remove non-product link, down from a list price of $40.
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