Domain Specific DevOps Initiatives and Metrics | @DevOpsSummit #DevOps #ContinuousDelivery
DevOps has grown exponentially especially during the past 3 years, in facts its tentacles spreads beyond Dev and Ops but some organization's still see DevOps as an extension of Agile practice. It's because how as an organization perceive DevOps, while the scrum master's objective is to have 2 weeks sprint through agile methodology, one should not limit DevOps to simply enable CI/CD because it defeats the purpose.
DevOps is no more a philosophy in terms of behavior and culture. It’s holistic in nature and involves host of new tools, process and people aspect but at the end the outcomes should be measurable with tangible benefits, which can be improved Q-on-Q, so let me share the industry perspective were DevOps brought significant benefits.
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