It’s always a good idea to keep a spare flash drive on hand to help you move and store data in a pinch. Today, you can choose one of two 32GB SanDisk flash drives for less than $11, making that preparedness and convenience cheap.
The|Amazon|SanDisk Cruzer Fit|2|Add Link">SanDisk Cruzer Fit is $7.48 today|Amazon|SanDisk Cruzer Fit|2|Add Link">Remove non-product link, down from a list price of $16 and its lowest price. This tiny USB 2.0 drive features a built-in LED light so you can tell when your drive is working. It also provides an extra layer of security through its compatibility with SanDisk’s Secure Access software. This drive is a hit on Amazon, with 4.5 stars out of 5 across more than 12,000 user reviews.