We spotlight a lot of hard drive deals on PCWorld, but today's is one of the best values we've ever seen. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Description=wd+elements&cm_re=wd_elements-_-22-232-981-_-Product&Item=N82E16822232981|Newegg|WD Elements 6TB USB 3.0 external drive|2|Add Link">Newegg is selling the WD Elements 6TB USB 3.0 external drive for a crazy-low price of $100https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Description=wd+elements&cm_re=wd_elements-_-22-232-981-_-Product&Item=N82E16822232981|Newegg|WD Elements 6TB USB 3.0 external drive|2|Add Link">Remove non-product link today when using the code EMCTWUA65. That's nearly 50 percent off the list price and matches the lowest we've ever seen.
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