Author Archives: admin

Are Apple and Google really ready for patent detente?

The two CEOs are talking, but that doesn’t mean they can set things right FORTUNE — Reuters reports — and the Wall Street Journal confirms — that Apple’s (AAPL) Tim Cook and Google’s (GOOG) Larry Page have been talking to … Continue reading

VELUX Experience App

VELUX Experience App With the VELUX Experience App you can compare different VELUX solutions in the same room and visualize the difference in indoor natural lighting in your home. Picture daylight in your home with VELUX roof windows in augmented … Continue reading

Iphone 5 Leaked Video HD

Iphone 5 Leaked Video HD From: GADGETSnMOTORS Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 00:18 More in Science & Technology

Appcast #3: CyberCook Receitas

Appcast #3: CyberCook Receitas O Pioneiro em receitas online! ♨ Cybercook agora no seu iPhone! Baixe agora grátis! Download AppStore: From: itouchschoolbr Views: 4 0 ratings Time: 03:16 More in Howto & Style

Cable Rating for iPhone

Cable Rating for iPhone Find maximum cable ratings and volt drop per meter with Cable Rating on the Appstore More electrical apps from Tap Engines From: switch986 Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 01:17 More in Science & Technology

Iphone 5 Concept And Key Features Official Video Leaked

Iphone 5 Concept And Key Features Official Video Leaked From: GADGETSnMOTORS Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 01:09 More in Science & Technology

Vyhodnotenie súťaže o vodotesný obal pre iPhone 4/4S

Vyhodnotenie súťaže o vodotesný obal pre iPhone 4/4S Vyžrebovanie výhercu sútaže o vodotesný obal pre iPhone 4/4S od Aryca. Viac sa dočítate tu: From: iphonemaniask Views: 1 1 ratings Time: 00:47 More in Science & Technology

mimir App創作雲多媒體互動App快速入門示範

mimir App創作雲多媒體互動App快速入門示範 " Mimir App創作雲" 讓每一個人都能輕鬆創作及分享APP! 創作人不能不知道的新創作平台! 不必花大錢,一頓下午茶時間就可以完成專屬你的App創作,還可以馬上分享給朋友看! " 即時體驗App下載" (支援iPhone,iPad觀賞最佳) 安裝mimir App可參考 " Facebook 粉絲頁" 若想深入了解可與我們連絡 " Mimir App創作雲"具備特色如下: 1. App 輕鬆作: 製作App不再是技術人員的特權,我們提供全圖形化介面(GUI)操作,不需撰寫任何程式,點點滑鼠就可以快速創作多媒體互動App,如互動相簿、互動繪本、互動微電影、互動廣告型錄、擴增實境應用,甚至是水果忍者、植物大戰殭屍、節奏DJ等互動遊戲,適合一般大眾、設計人、部落客、教師學生、非資訊專業公司人員…等使用,我們致力於降低技術門檻,讓您專注在創作,盡情揮灑創意! 2. 現在作、立即看: 在Mimir上創作編輯App既簡單又快速,讓您在一頓下午茶的時間就能作好一個App,更神奇的是還可以讓facebook上的親朋好友打開iPhone/iPad/Android就能馬上看到您的最新成果,行銷App變得不再麻煩,如此夢幻般的未來科技,請您一定要親自體驗! 3. 團隊合作不孤單: 採全雲端編輯及分享環境,不需安裝任何軟體,只要打開網站就可隨時創作,讓您不再受到時間地點及設備的限制,即使團隊夥伴不在同一個地方也能即時編輯同一個作品,即時的雲端畫面大幅減少團隊溝通理解的誤會,更省下大量互相等待及溝通的寶貴時間,這也是我們創立平台希望幫助團隊創作的重要使命。 4. 完全國產研發: 為了教學/製作App不得不購買動輒數萬到數十萬的國外軟體嗎?您可以有更多選擇支持完全台灣自製研發的品牌,不需要面對繁複的英文文件、操作介面、客服人員,您可以更直接快速的讓我們知道您的需求,並在技術、行銷等各 <b>…</b> From: Adms Chung … Continue reading

RimbaTubes: Power Happy

RimbaTubes: Power Happy Me and my twin with our friend, Chester, covering Con Bro Chill's "Power Happy" on my original PVC Instrument and the Magic Guitar iPhone app. Special thanks to Cecilia Berghall and JJ & Jan Jenkins for assisting … Continue reading