Author Archives: admin

Feee unlocked iphone cheap

Feee unlocked iphone cheap Feee unlocked iphone cheap Download our Latest Iphone unlocker and Jailbreaker Free for All iphone models including the new Iphone 4s at Link in Video. Works with all firmwares and Iphone models. From: nikihsa011 Views: 0 … Continue reading

iPhone 5 Official Commercial 2012 |

iPhone 5 Official Commercial 2012 | iPhone 5 is here and officialy will be lanched on September 12th From: iappleacid Views: 50 2 ratings Time: 01:25 More in Science & Technology

Recensione apple dock keybboard per Ipad,Iphone e Ipod Touch

Recensione apple dock keybboard per Ipad,Iphone e Ipod Touch Recensione apple dock keybboard per Ipad,Iphone e Ipod Touch From: Giulio Leone Views: 3 0 ratings Time: 07:32 More in People & Blogs


【電凸】総理官邸…アップル勝訴 アップルに軍配の評決 サムスンが825億円賠償 米スマホ特許裁判2012.8.25 10:51 [携帯電話・スマートフォン] アップルの「iPhone(アイフォーン)4S」とサムスン電子の「ギャラクシーS3」(右)=共同スマートフォン(多機能携帯電話)などの特許をめぐり、米アップルと韓国サムスン電子が争った裁判で、米カリフォルニア州の連邦地裁の陪審団は24日、サムスンがアップルの特許を侵害したとの評決を下した。サムスンに約10億5千万ドル(約825億円)の賠償支払いを命じた。米メディアが一斉に伝えた。 世界のスマートフォン市場で首位を走るサムスンの製品開発や販売戦略に打撃となりそうだ。サムスンに基本ソフト(OS)を提供する米グーグルの陣営にも影響を与える可能性がある。 評決によると、アップルの携帯電話iPhone(アイフォーン)の丸みを帯びた長方形の形状やアイコンなどのデザイン特許や、タッチ操作など機能性の特許で、サムスンの侵害を認めた。アップルによるサムスンの特許侵害は認定しなかった。(共同) msn産経ニュースより From: denwadekiita Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 02:02 More in News & Politics

Order & Chaos -IOS- Review & Let’s play #1

Order & Chaos -IOS- Review & Let's play #1 A look at the brilliant Order and Chaos on the IOS. My site: Twitter: order and chaos, order & chaos, IOS, review, order and chaos review, Let's play, walkthrough, … Continue reading

Call Me Maybe

Call Me Maybe Here's a music video that my friends made! *Song: Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen* ~Filmed and Edited with the app Video Star for iPhone~ From: pinkemg Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 02:04 More in Film … Continue reading

Feee unlocked iphone can’t find network

Feee unlocked iphone can't find network Feee unlocked iphone can't find network Download our Latest Iphone Jailbreaker and unlocker Free for All iphone models including the new Iphone 4s at Link in Video. Works with all models and firmwares. From: … Continue reading

Ăn cắp iphone nhưng không thành

Ăn cắp iphone nhưng không thành Xã hội giờ khốn nạn thật Bản quyền của: From: Lê Đức Hoàn Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 01:54 More in People & Blogs

iphone 5 proximo lanzamiento septiembre 2012

iphone 5 proximo lanzamiento septiembre 2012 IPhone Concept Amazing 5. Este iPhone CG 5 tiene características avanzadas tales como iPhone con un diseño más elegante iPhone, un teclado láser y pantalla holográfica, todo en este iPhone 5 video. El ordenador … Continue reading

Apple v. Samsung: Meet the foreman of the jury

Reporters who feared the jurors would get lost in the weeds didn’t figure on Velvin Hogan FORTUNE — One of the reasons — perhaps the main reason — the jury was able to deliver a verdict in Apple’s (AAPL) landmark … Continue reading