

Space Tricks Scientists Into Seeing Two Galaxies as One

Two is better than one, especially when it comes to space. Astronomers studying gas halos in galaxies thought they were looking at images of a single subject, but as it turns out, the photos actually show two perfectly aligned galaxies. … Continue reading


Pinterest Adds Place Pins for Better Travel Planning

Pinterest added a new type of pin called Place Pins Wednesday, enabling users to map out the locations of all the items they share on their pinboards For example, if a user pins a photo of a burger from a … Continue reading


‘Machete Kills Again … in Space’ Mock Trailer is Full of Sci-fi Insanity

In a mock trailer for Machete Kills Again … in Space, the title character looks as he always has — except this time, Machete dons a spacesuit and wields a lightsaber. Played by Danny Trejo, Machete has come to liberate an … Continue reading


Half of All Active Twitter Users Live in Five Countries

Twitter users are all over the world, but half of the social network’s active users — those who tweet at least once a month — live in just five countries: the U.S., Japan, Indonesia, the UK and Brazil. Using data … Continue reading


Trent Reznor FaceTimes Cancer-Stricken Fan During Concert

Trent Reznor, leader of rock band Nine Inch Nails, was about to play “In This Twilight” for his audience at a recent Las Vegas concert. But first, he pulled out his phone to FaceTime. Reznor told the crowd that fan … Continue reading


Canon EOS 70D: Recording HD Video Has Never Been So Great or Easy

Once upon a time, DSLRs were primarily used just for taking photos. That’s still the case, but increasingly, we’re seeing a lot of amateur filmmakers use DSLRs to shoot incredible movies that — with good lenses, proper lighting and solid … Continue reading


AOL Shuttering Winamp Music Software After 15 Memorable Years

One of the oldest and most relied upon pieces of software from the early days of online digital music will finally be mothballed at the end of this yearWinamp, the digital music file player and visualizer for Windows, will be … Continue reading


Email Chain Shows Officials Prepping for Errors

A congressional subcommittee Wednesday evening released an internal email chain from late September that shows officials in charge of anticipating problems with the site in advance of its Oct. 1 launch. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee provided … Continue reading


Developers Dish Advice on Building Apps That Will Sell

There’s a lot to juggle when developing an app: The expectations of your users, the demands of your boss and a multitude of other facets that need to be weighed — and possibly tossed. These topics and more were part … Continue reading


High Schoolers Build Satellite and NASA Launches It to Space

Last night, a rocket took off. It launched from an island in Virginia, turned east over the Atlantic Ocean, and sailed into the atmosphere. Aboard were 29 satellites — a record for one launch. And one of those satellites? It … Continue reading