
Apple Admits iOS 5 Battery Problems

Apple has confirmed that some iPhone customers are experiencing lower battery performance after upgrading to iOS 5. Users started complaining about the battery life of the iPhone 4S soon after the device’s debut. In the last week, additional complaints have … Continue reading

Twitter Tests “Top News” and “Top People” Search Results

Twitter is testing a new feature that highlights a link labeled as “top news” or a profile labeled “top people” at the top of its real-time search results. For a small percentage of users, searching for a topic such as … Continue reading

RIM Hits Seven-Year Low: Is BlackBerry Maker Ripe For Takeover?

Research In Motion‘s shares hit a seven-year low Wednesday after a report highlighted the decline of the company’s flagship BlackBerry smartphone. According to a report by Canalys, RIM’s share of the U.S. market was 9% in the third quarter compared … Continue reading

9 Things You Need to Know About the New Gmail

Google began rolling out its new look for Gmail Tuesday. According to an update on Gmail’s blog, it’s now available for everyone. For now, you can choose whether or not you want the new Gmail, but it’s likely to switch … Continue reading

PayPal Takes Payments Offline With “PayPal Wallet”

Google isn’t the only unorthodox player moving into the offline payments space. PayPal, like the search giant and Visa, is planning to launch a “Wallet” product that aims to replace traditional credit cards at registers. “If someone had told me … Continue reading

ESPN Tebow Article Spawns Fill-in-the-Blank Meme and #OccupyTebow

ESPN writer Bill Williamson wrote an innocent article Sunday about NFL quarterback Tim Tebow of the Denver Broncos, which has sparked an entirely unexpected viral backlash in its comments. Tebow’s inconsistency as a passer has led to much derision from … Continue reading

Duqu Virus Tied to Microsoft Windows Bug

Hackers have used a security flaw in Microsoft’s Windows operating system to infect computers with the the Duqu virus, Microsoft admits. “We are working diligently to address this issue and will release a security update for customers,” Microsoft said in … Continue reading

Public Petitions Obama to Kill E-Parasites Act

Efforts to kill a proposed bill that some believe will let the government censor and control Internet content are gaining traction. We The People, the government’s official, crowdsourced petition site, is hosting a petition to kill the proposed Stop Online … Continue reading

Yahoo Goes All-In With Mobile

Yahoo released four products Wednesday, and almost all of them were for iPad, Android and mobile. The big news was Yahoo Livestand for iPad, a social newsstand app that competes directly with Flipboard. But Livestand wasn’t the only product that … Continue reading

Mr. Clean to Grow a ‘Stache for Movember

Mr. Clean is poised to get a Facebook-driven facelift this month to celebrate Movember. The 54-year-old icon will grow a mustache for the Movember initiative, which supports funding for prostate cancer. Mr. Clean’s ‘stache will grow in accordance with the … Continue reading