
This New OLED Microdisplay Blows the Retina Display Away

A new OLED microdisplay from MicroOLED boasts the world’s highest pixel density, stuffing an incredible 5.4 million gapless pixels into a 0.61-inch display. For comparison, at 326 pixels per inch (ppi), the iPhone 4′s Retina display sports 614,400 pixels. The … Continue reading

Bobbi Brown Launches Facebook Campaign to Revive Discontinued Cosmetics

For years, fans of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics have used traditional and social media to lobby for the return of lip colors that are no longer in production. This week, the cosmetics company is launching a Facebook campaign that will let … Continue reading

Slate Gets Personal With Customized Newsfeed

Online magazine Slate is giving readers more control over the news discovery process with the Monday launch of MySlate, a personalized newsfeed made up of stories from the topics and authors of their choice. The newsfeed, which is modeled after … Continue reading

SOPA and Hollywood: Standing in the Way of Technological Innovation [INFOGRAPHIC]

In case you’re still unclear about the U.S. Congress’s hapless SOPA legislation that went down in flames earlier this month, the Matador Network sums it up neatly with this angry infographic. Once you’ve read this infographic about SOPA, you might … Continue reading

How the Peace Corps is Building a Community of Volunteers Online

When volunteers return home from service with The Peace Corps, they often want to stay in touch with fellow Corps members. Can social media help them do that? Yes, says Erica Burman, director of communications at The National Peace Corps … Continue reading

YouTube Cover Song Face-Off: Adele’s ‘Set Fire to the Rain’

Each week, Mashable picks a popular song, finds 10 covers of it and asks you to vote for your favorite. More than year after Adele’s mega popular 21 came out, her third U.S. single — “Set Fire to the Rain” … Continue reading

Pinterest Becomes Top Traffic Driver for Retailers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Pinterest, a two-year-old social bookmarking site that lets users collect and share things they like on the web, is driving increasingly significant amounts of traffic to retailers’ websites. The service enables users to create online bulletin boards, or “pinboards,” for … Continue reading

Meme Machine: Top 5 Viral Hits of the Week

The Mashable Meme Machine is a daily look at five hilarious viral topics spreading across the web right now. The weekend is finally here, and if you’ve been too embarrassed to look at photos of cats and Ryan Goslin at … Continue reading

How To Avoid Hiring The Wrong Person For Your Startup

Chris Rickborn is the COO and co-founder for Unrabble, a cloud-computing hiring software company that helps busy startups make great hires. In a startup, hiring a new employee can be a business-changing event. The smaller the organization, the more impact … Continue reading

Megaupload’s Kim Dotcom Loses ‘Call of Duty’ Top Spot While in Prison [VIDEO]

Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom can’t defend his top-spot score in the game Modern Warfare: Call of Duty 3 from behind bars — he was recently bumped to the no. 2 spot by a player named Azaros. On Wednesday, a judge … Continue reading