
Advertisers, This Is What an NFL Fan Looks Like [INFOGRAPHIC]

Just two NFL teams will remain after Sunday’s league semifinals, setting up a final showdown for Super Bowl XLVI glory. But the Super Bowl isn’t just a huge event for the players, coaches and fans involved. It’s also make-or-break time … Continue reading

Wear a Wi-Fi Hotspot With These Cutting-Edge Cufflinks [VIDEO]

Wish Wi-Fi hotspots would grow on sleeves? A set of cufflinks available at Brookstone serves not only as a decorative man-sessory, it features USB storage — and can even be plugged into a PC to create a Wi-Fi hotspot. In … Continue reading

Megaup-Lord of the Rings and 4 Other Hilarious Viral Topics

The Mashable Meme Machine is a daily look at five hilarious viral topics spreading across the web right now. Happy Friday! It’s been a long week of battles on the Internet, but the web has prevailed … for now, anyway. … Continue reading

5 Apps to Help Manage Your Twitter Account

1. Tweepi Tweepi’s “Flush” option allows you to see the users you follow who are not following you back. Its “Reciprocate” option allows you to see the users following you who you’re not following back. And the “Cleanup” option allows you … Continue reading

Google Pulls the Plug on Picnik, Sky Map and More

Google just rained all over Picnik’s picnic. The photo editing site got the ax on Friday and will shut down in April. Picnik — which said via its site that its last day will be April 19 — will be … Continue reading

Twitter Reacts to SOPA’s Burial

1. @PatrickRuffini This tweet by technologist Patrick Ruffini became a Politico headline. Click here to view this gallery. The Internet rejoiced Friday after Rep. Lamar Smith (R.-Texas) said that he would indefinitely pull the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) from … Continue reading

It Only Takes a Click to Be Part of an Anonymous Attack [VIDEO]

Anonymous‘s distributed denial of service attacks on the U.S. Department of Justice website and others Thursday were a new type of blitz, according to security firm Sophos. Previously, DDoS attacks happened when someone installed a low orbit ion cannon program … Continue reading

Can Screens With Solar Cells Solve the Smartphone Battery Problem?

Most modern smartphones have a problem – their battery simply doesn’t last long enough, especially with heavy usage. As the smartphone screens get bigger and bigger, the battery drain increases, but now Arman Ahnood, a researcher at the London Centre … Continue reading

Why 2012 Is the Year of Mobile Advertising

Ernie Cormier is the CEO and president of Nexage, the leading mobile advertising exchange. You can follow Nexage on Twitter @Nexage and read Nexage’s blog here. Mobile advertising is coming of age. In many ways, it has been driven by … Continue reading

Google Algorithm Changes Downgrade Sites With Too Many Ads [VIDEO]

Got a lot of ads on your website? Google‘s new search algorithm, which looks for sites that maintain a good balance of content and ads, could automatically filter it out of search results pages. The change comes after complaints of … Continue reading