
Twitter Gobbles Up Summify

Twitter has acquired startup company Summify, a social aggregation service that collects news stories that are being shared on your social networks and puts them into a daily summary. Summify – which launched by two Romanian entrepreneurs – took to … Continue reading

Mustaches Prevail on Gentlemint, the Pinterest Site for ‘Manly Men’

What’s more manly than a mustache? Not much, if you ask co-founders Glen Stansberry and Brian McKinney, co-founders of the recently launched — a Pinterest-inspired site for “manly men.” “We wanted to add an old-school, ‘gentlemanly’ feel,” Stansberry says … Continue reading

Motorola Xoom Wi-Fi Gets Ice Cream Sandwich

Motorola has started rolling out Android 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich to Motorola Xoom owners in the U.S., but only those who have the Wi-Fi version of the device. This will bring a redesigned app launcher, a better web browser, … Continue reading

Free Demos Coming to Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo eShop

The Nintendo 3DS, a portable, 3D-enabled gaming device, is getting its own crop of free demos and downloads, Nintendo announced on Thursday. Starting Jan. 20, players can head to the Nintendo eShop to download a demo for Resident Evil Revelations … Continue reading

Internet Users to Congress: We Hate SOPA

With major websites such as Wikipedia and Reddit down Wednesday in protest of SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act), millions of social media users took to the Internet to express their own opinion on the two … Continue reading

5 Things Publishers Need to Know About HTML5

Pam Horan is the president of the Online Publishers Association, a not-for-profit trade organization that represents high-quality online publishers. Last November, Adobe announced its decision to halt Flash development for mobile browsers, chipsets and operating systems. Instead, the company plans … Continue reading

Google Data Centers Get High Marks for Green and Safety Practices [VIDEO]

Google announced Thursday that a number of its U.S. data centers received recognition for green practices and safety methods. Google is the first major Internet company to earn both ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications. The centers were able to … Continue reading

How a Startup Is Revolutionizing the Outdoor Ad Space [VIDEO]

When a client at his creative firm asked to buy outdoor ad space adjacent to locations of every Bed, Bath and Beyond store in New York City, John Laramie realized how inefficient the outdoor ad buying process was. In order … Continue reading

Teach What You Know: How to Make a Living on Skillshare

Nate Cooper is an independent academic and co-organizer of Reboot Workshop, an un-conference for nontraditional workers. Skillshare is a platform for instructor-led, in-person classes. You can search for classes to take or propose to teach a class topic. As the … Continue reading

Online Ad Spending to Surpass Print for First Time in 2012 [STUDY]

For the first time in U.S. history, marketers are projected to spend more on online advertising than on advertising in print magazines and newspapers. According to a study released Thursday by eMarketer, online advertising is expected to generate $39.5 billion … Continue reading