
Is There a SOPA Alternative Both Sides Can Live With?

The Internet giants have weighed in and the message is clear: SOPA is bad. Yet so is Internet piracy. Is there a SOPA alternative that could reconcile the two? There are a variety of ways, including new or updated laws … Continue reading

How Microsoft Is Creating Minority Report Storefronts for Real [VIDEO]

Remember that scene in Minority Report where Tom Cruise walks into a store and a cheery face on a video screen turns to him and asks how those assorted tank tops worked out for him? The tech isn’t just fantasy … Continue reading

TED Takes on SOPA: Why it Would Create a ‘Consumption-Only Internet’ [VIDEO]

TED has posted an “emergency” TED Talk called “Defend Our Freedom To Share (Or Why SOPA is a Bad Idea)” by Internet writer and NYU professor Clay Shirky. Shirky gave his address yesterday at the New York offices of TED, … Continue reading

This Is the Internet After SOPA [PICS]

Nedroid These sites have “blacked out” today in protest of Stop online privacy act (SOPA). It makes it just a little bit easier to imagine what the web could look like if some of the measures from the proposed SOPA … Continue reading

Huffington Post to Launch 24-Hour Online News Network

Shortly after Reuters announced its web TV programming iniative with YouTube, news emerged that AOL’s Huffington Post Media Group is developing an even more robust online video offering for its own website. According to Forbes — and our own source … Continue reading

How Celebrity Appearances at CES Backfired [INFOGRAPHIC]

By now, you can easily name the celebrities who attended the Consumer Electronics Show last week. But don’t be surprised if you’re struggling to remember which brands they represented. An overwhelming 85% of social media mentions about those celebrities did … Continue reading

YouTube Launches Action Sports Channels, Starring Tony Hawk

YouTube just got more gnarly, bro. Fans of skateboarding, surfing and BMX biking have a variety of new ways to feed their addictions to the extreme after the video sharing site introduced a set of action sports channels on Wednesday. … Continue reading

Hey Zuckerberg, Take Facebook Down for a Day

So now we know how Mark Zuckerberg feels about SOPA. The Facebook founder made his opposition to the “poorly thought out law” clear — a little belatedly, perhaps, but plainly — in a post on the social network Wednesday. The … Continue reading

How Crazy Is Ron Paul Right Now? GQ Will Tell You

Just how crazy is Ron Paul? You can get your answer on a scale of “Kinda makes sense” to “Yeah, that’s nuts,” according to’s newest political feature. The digital barometer is part of GQ’s ongoing coverage of the 2012 … Continue reading

Will Apple Stick to the Steve Jobs Plan for Textbooks?

Apple is set to make an announcement regarding education on Thursday, and it will likely involve e-textbooks. The latest rumor claims the company is set to unveil a “GarageBand” for books that would put tools for creating interactive digital textbooks … Continue reading