
Want to Avoid Getting Banned on Social Media? Learn the Rules

Ann Smarty is a search marketer and full-time web entrepreneur. Ann blogs on search and social media tools. Her newest project, My Blog Guest, is a free platform for guest bloggers and blog owners. Follow Ann on Twitter @seosmarty. For … Continue reading

It’s Not Over: SOPA’s Chief Sponsor Isn’t Backing Down

Even though a co-sponsors of SOPA and PIPA pulled their support for the bills on Wednesday, SOPA’s lead backer says he’s not backing down and “expects to move forward” with the bill next month. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), the House Judiciary … Continue reading

How Do the Latest Ultrabooks From CES 2012 Measure Up?

If there was a star product from CES 2012, it was the Ultrabook. Not excited? It’s hard to blame you — the whole move toward slim, lightweight laptops that actually perform well is essentially an outgrowth of Apple’s MacBook Air … Continue reading

The Best, Worst and Craziest Ultrabooks From CES 2012 [PICS]

If there was a star product from CES 2012, it was the Ultrabook. Not excited? It’s hard to blame you — the whole move toward slim, lightweight laptops that actually perform well is essentially an outgrowth of Apple’s MacBook Air … Continue reading

How to Train Your Plants to Tweet for Water [VIDEO]

Technology has come to the aid of those born without green thumbs. SparkFun’s Botanicalls Kit lets your plants tell you when they’re thirsty. The petal-shaped chip connects to your house plant and tweets you as soon as the moisture drops. … Continue reading

Get on Board: Italian Cruise Ship Meme Goes Viral [PICS]

Italian cruise ship Captain Francesco Schettino won’t be able to leave behind the backlash his actions created on the Internet. “Vada A Bordo, Cazzo!” is the latest meme circulating the web. It translates to “get on board, d__k.” The phrase … Continue reading

Google Apologizes for Stealing Customers From Kenyan Startup

Google has apologized — via Google+ and by phone — to the CEO of an African startup whose databases were compromised by a Kenya-based team working for Google. Nelson Mattos, Google’s vice president for product and engineering for Europe and … Continue reading

Mass Effect 3 Gets XBox Kinect Function and Demo Date

A new Mass Effect 3 trailer has hit the Internet showcasing the highly-anticipated action role-playing-game’s new Kinect functionality. The video shows players using their voices to give commands to allies, pick up guns or even shoot weapons, activate special abilities … Continue reading

Making Light of a Dark Day: 6 SOPA Memes Worth Seeing

Zing for Wikipedia Image from Click here to view this gallery. As many popular websites go dark on Wednesday to protest the Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA), amusing memes about the situation are making the rounds online. Sure, SOPA … Continue reading

How Toshiba Uses Social Media to Make Products Its Customers Really Want [VIDEO]

If you were paying attention to the news coming out of CES last week you probably know about Toshiba’s ultra thin new tablet, but what you may not know is the process whereby some of these brilliant new ideas come … Continue reading