
Zuckerberg: SOPA Is ‘Poorly Thought-Out Law’

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg voiced his opinion about SOPA and PIPA for the first time Wednesday, calling the legislature “poorly-thought out laws that get in the way of the internet’s development.” Zuckerberg’s opposition to the Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) … Continue reading

Google Thinks OPEN Is a Rational Alternative to SOPA

The tech industry isn’t against all legislative attempts to fight piracy. In fact, Google for one has even endorsed an alternative bill to SOPA called OPEN. Explaining its opposition to SOPA and Senate doppelganger PIPA, Google’s Official Blog gave a … Continue reading

‘The Day The LOLcats Died’ Song Clobbers SOPA Supporters [VIDEO]

Each day, Mashable highlights one noteworthy YouTube video. Check out all our viral video picks. With Wednesday’s protest of SOPA and PIPA in full swing on the web and in person, the play button on “The Day The LOLcats Died” … Continue reading

PIPA and SOPA Co-Sponsors Abandon Bills

The widespread Internet blackout Wednesday, in which sites such as Wikipedia and Reddit went dark to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA), seems to have influenced members of the U.S. Congress. PIPA co-sponsor … Continue reading

Summer Coding: U.S. CTO Wants You to Get Tech Skills This Year

Missed out on that New Year’s resolution to learn a programming language — the goal that 300,000 people signed up for, including New York Mayor Bloomberg? Too busy with school to make it happen? You’ll get another, even easier shot … Continue reading

9 Awesomely Beautiful Apple Store Designs

Pudong (Shanghai) Apple made its Lourve-like design famous in New York, but Shanghai’s stunning cylindrical glass entrance is a sight to see. A glass spiral staircase leads shoppers to the store below. Click here to view this gallery. Steve Jobs … Continue reading

Reddit Fights SOPA With Blackout and Call to Action [VIDEO]

You’ve likely noticed the effects or heard of today’s Internet blackout in protest of the Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA). One of those sites participating in the protest, Reddit, has pledged to go dark for 12 hours, and it’s taken … Continue reading

Curated Commerce: How Retail Brands Can Cash in on the Latest Craze

John Doyle is VP of digital strategy for Cramer-Krasselt / Chicago. Keep up with him at As we kick off 2012, one of the most prominent online trends is an increasingly diverse array of content curation platforms. While sites … Continue reading

Is Your Child Ready to Design Google’s Next Doodle?

Your little sister, brother, favorite kid in the neighborhood or child could be the next Google star – that is, if he or she is a K-12 student living in the United States who has doodling skills that are beyond … Continue reading

Live Tweeting From the NYC SOPA and PIPA Protest

The SOPA protest is moving from the Internet to the streets. The NY Tech Meetup community, an organization of more than 20,000 “geeks, investors, entrepreneurs, hackers, etc.,” sent out an unprecedented emergency email last week, in which they lit the … Continue reading