
SOPA Will Take Us Back to the Dark Ages

I had an epiphany today. The Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA, was not written by people who fundamentally misunderstand how the web works. They understand all too well, and want to change it forever. Behind the almost unreadable (yet … Continue reading

Here’s How to Protest SOPA on Pinterest

Though social sharing site Pinterest hasn’t gone dark to protest SOPA, a user has suggested a way that members can effectively create a Pinterest blackout. Len Kendall, director of digital at public relations firm Golin Harris, has used his Pinterest … Continue reading

Meet Friends of Your Friends and Expand Your Social Network With 3Degrees

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: 3Degrees Quick Pitch: 3Degrees is … Continue reading

How to Access Wikipedia During the Blackout

It’s a pretty big statement for a web service as big as Wikipedia to go dark in protest of SOPA, but it’s not so nice when you actually need to find something on Wikipedia. Whether you oppose SOPA or not … Continue reading

Italian Cruise Ship’s Dangerous Path Posted to Facebook Before Crash

Before Italian cruise liner Costa Concordia’s tragic disaster Friday, some citizens of the island Giglio looked towards the sea to get a glimpse of the boat, following a Facebook prompt from a ship worker’s sister. While head waiter Antonello Tievolli … Continue reading

Quora Now Has an Off-Site Follow Button, Just Like Twitter

Much like Twitter, you can now follow your favorite bloggers and websites on Quora. And now, also much like Twitter, you can paste a follow button onto your own website. The content-sharing and expert-questioning site allows users to comment on … Continue reading

Which Super Bowl Ads Get Shared the Most? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Believe it or not, the Super Bowl is only two weeks from this coming Sunday. That means that over the next fortnight we can expect a barrage of PR from advertisers in the big game looking to maximize their $3.5 … Continue reading

CES Unveils 8 New Tablets: Which Will You Choose?

This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. The tablet market continues to expand this year, and many new versions were introduced at 2012 … Continue reading

Google Contractors Vandalize OpenStreetMap Project [VIDEO]

Two contractors working for Google have vandalized one of the biggest group online projects on the Internet, Open Street Map. The project’s blog reported that someone from a range of IP addresses that belong to Google edited the map to … Continue reading

Meme Machine: SOPA Edition

The Mashable Meme Machine is a daily look at five hilarious viral topics spreading across the web right now. Today’s Meme Machine is going to try to bring light to a dark situation — a number of sites will undergo … Continue reading