
These Websites Are Going Dark to Protest SOPA Wednesday

Tech companies are getting ready to black out on Jan. 18 to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and its sibling the Protect IP Act (PIPA). Much has been made of Wikipedia’s promise to “go dark,” or shut down … Continue reading

Facebook Recycles Feel-Good Timeline Video

Facebook is drawing more attention to its Timeline profile redesign via a feel-good video on its homepage that chronicles how users can use the site to archive their lives. The video was first launched in September 2011 when the company … Continue reading

Reuters Expands its Original Content on YouTube

Storied wire service Reuters has launched Reuters TV, a series of 10 original programs that will air on its new YouTube channel. The media company joins roughly 100 other media partners in delivering original, premium content on Google’s video platform, … Continue reading

Yahoo’s Jerry Yang Resigns

Former Yahoo CEO and co-founder Jerry Yang announced his resignation Tuesday, saying he would no longer be a part of the company in any way. Yang served on Yahoo’s board of directors after he resigned from the CEO position of … Continue reading

Katy Perry Goes Virtual in New Sims Game

Katy Perry in The Sims Players can download Perry’s likeness and stage props. Click here to view this gallery. Any online gamer can own a piece of Katy Perry – or heck, even be her — with EA’s announcement that … Continue reading

Why SOPA Is Dangerous

I’m sure you’ve heard by now that SOPA is bad and would ruin the Internet, but have you actually read the bill? If not, it’s worth reading, for two reasons. First, if you are going to oppose a bill, you … Continue reading

Facebook Finally Beats Google’s Orkut … in Brazil

Facebook, following a year of whirlwind growth, overtook Orkut as Brazil’s most-popular social network in December. Orkut is a social network that Google launched in 2004. Its popularity in Brazil, where 60% of Orkut’s users are based, led to it … Continue reading

Apple to Introduce “GarageBand for E-Books” [RUMOR]

Apple is scheduled to host an education-related event on January 19 – shrouded with a veil of mystery, as always. A new report from Ars Technica says the company is about to unveil a set of tools to create interactive … Continue reading

Apple to Introduce ‘GarageBand for Ebooks’ [RUMOR]

Apple is scheduled to host an education-related event Jan. 19 — shrouded with a veil of mystery, as always. A new report from Ars Technica says the company is about to unveil a set of tools to create interactive ebooks. … Continue reading

SOPA Author Attacks Wikipedia, Schedules Debate on Bill

The architect of SOPA, Rep. Lamar Smith, has scheduled a markup session next month in which the bill might be altered. In a markup session, a bill is opened to members of the House Judicial Committee for debate, amendments and … Continue reading