
Top 10 Tech This Week: CES Edition [PICS]

1. Samsung 55-inch OLED HDTV There were a couple of examples of the latest in OLED HDTV technology at CES 2012, and this one was from Samsung. It’s a 55-inch display that looks simply spectacular, with rich, deep blacks, supersaturated … Continue reading

The Job Search and Confidentiality [INFOGRAPHIC]

We know that social media is a huge part of the modern job search. But being active on social media also can prevent you from searching stealthily. Coworkers and bosses can see who you’ve recently followed on Twitter (handles of … Continue reading

How Nations Can Be United With Social Media

The United Nations is a huge organization: 193 member states and six major organs. As you can imagine, running the UN’s social media networks is no walk in the park. But the international organization is incredibly active on social media, … Continue reading

The 10 Most Noteworthy Photos on Twitter This Week [PICS]

In an effort to find the most interesting photos from Twitter over the past week, rather than merely the most retweeted, Mashable worked with our partner, social media search engine Skylines, to tweak our method of choosing such pictures. Why? … Continue reading

10 Creative Ways to Use QR Codes for Marketing

Ekaterina Walter is a social media strategist at Intel. She is a part of Intel’s Social Media Center of Excellence and is responsible for company-wide social media enablement and corporate social networking strategy. She was recently elected to serve on … Continue reading

Paul McCartney Fans: Meet Your Nirvana

Get ready Paul McCartney fans: HP and McCartney’s company have launched a cloud-based music sharing site for anyone wanting to immerse themselves in his digital library. “The digital library can store the estimated million (plus) items from McCartney’s expansive personal … Continue reading

Charting the CES Chatter, Friday Edition [INFOGRAPHIC]

What were the hottest brands, trends and topics on Thursday’s penultimate day of CES 2012? People couldn’t stop buzzing about Motorola for the second consecutive day. OLED display technology and tablet devices are still popular, but ultrabook laptops faded in … Continue reading

6 Apps Worth Downloading This Week

Hipmunk Flight and hotel booking service Hipmunk launched updated Android and iOS apps on Monday. The apps focus on booking hotels, and they display their search results on a map. Users can overlay heat maps on the same maps to … Continue reading

Apple Mini-Stores Coming to Target

Target has confirmed that it will be introducing 25 Apple mini-shops within its stores this year. Last week, rumors that the discount retailer might be partnering with Apple started to circulate, but the company revealed to the New York Times … Continue reading

Why Companies Need to Iterate Based on User Feedback

Ryan Martens is the founder and CTO of Rally Software, which provides agile application lifecycle management solutions and services to software developers. Rally is Ryan’s fourth software startup. Follow him on Twitter @RallyOn. Unfortunately, Twitter and Facebook have become real-time streams of rotten … Continue reading