
Apple’s Offshore Accounts Could Double its Cash by 2014

Apple is on track to making an even more astronomical amount of dough with its offshore accounts. The Cupertino, Calif.-based company has most of its money in overseas investments — $54 billion of its $85 billion in cash is kept … Continue reading

Today’s Top Stories: Hulu’s 2011 Results, SOPA Blackouts

Welcome to this morning’s edition of “First To Know,” a series in which we keep you in the know on what’s happening in the digital world. Today, we’re looking at three particularly interesting stories. Hulu Recaps 2011, Looks Forward to … Continue reading

4 Short-Form Blogging Networks Perfect for Customer Engagement

Anne Buehner is the associate social media strategist at Red Door Interactive, a strategic partner dedicated to ensuring businesses acquire, convert, retain and engage their customers wherever they are. Email her at Toasting the new year is not what … Continue reading

Apple’s Textbook Venture: What’s the Big Idea?

The latest scuttlebutt on Apple’s big education announcement next week: the company is venturing into textbooks. An industry insider confirmed to the New York Times that Apple will, in fact, be partnering with textbook publishers. No new devices will be … Continue reading

Charting the CES Chatter, Wednesday Edition [INFOGRAPHIC]

What were the hottest topics among techies on Twitter during the first official day of CES 2012 on Tuesday? OLED display technology has had people buzzing about its potential for HDTVs, while ultrabook laptops and tablet devices are also hot. … Continue reading

Ericsson’s Future Vision: Better Broadband, Tweeting Trees

LAS VEGAS — Ericsson, the Swedish company that invented Bluetooth and whose technology provides 40% of the world’s network infrastructure, gave its first-ever CES keynote on Wednesday to share its vision of a connected world. CEO Hans Vestberg was big … Continue reading

Privacy Watchdog Complains to FTC: Google’s Social Search is Unfair

Twitter isn’t the only party that thinks merging Google+ with Google search results is an abuse of its monopoly power in search. Privacy watchdog EPIC filed a complaint with the FTC on Thursday, saying that Google is using its search … Continue reading

Old Spice Ad is Literally Mind-Blowing [VIDEO]

Each day, Mashable highlights one noteworthy YouTube video. Check out all our viral video picks. Old Spice is continuing its experimentation with new approaches and rotating spokesmen with a new campaign breaking on YouTube and Facebook that features Terry Crews’s … Continue reading

I Can Has Cheezburger Turns 5, Plans to Go Black to Protest SOPA

Exactly 14,683 “lolz” after launching in 2007, I Can Has Cheezburger is celebrating its fifth anniversary this week, just before all Cheezburger sites will go black Jan. 18 to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). The humor website features … Continue reading

Can Siri Control Your Home? [VIDEO]

A small company in Arkansas is showing an unexpected side to Apple’s voice-based intelligent assistant Siri. This YouTube video shows various home appliances being controlled via voice command on the iPhone 4S, from adjusting the thermostat and light dimmers to … Continue reading