
Girl Scout’s Call for Cookie Boycott Goes Viral. Is It Hate Speech? [VIDEO]

In a recent video gaining traction on the web, a teenage Girl Scout calls for a boycott of their famous cookies after a 7-year-old transgendered girl was admitted into a Colorado Girl Scout troop. The 8-minute clip on YouTube has … Continue reading

SOPA Sponsor Has a Copyright Violation of His Own

The controversial SOPA bill is designed to combat online piracy and copyright violations. But now it turns out the bill’s author and main sponsor, Texas Rep. Lamar Smith, has some copyright problems of his own. Vice’s Jamie Lee Curtis Taete … Continue reading

10 Essential YouTube Tips and Tricks

1. Get Social With Connected Sharing Options You can share YouTube content without hooking up your other social networking accounts, but if you do, the process gets all (buzzword alert!) “frictionless.” As you upload, comment, favorite or like a video, … Continue reading

Facebook Launches ‘Listen With,’ Lets You DJ for Friends

Facebook wants you to listen to music with friends — even if you’re not in the same room. The social network announced a new feature Thursday called “Listen With” that gives users a chatroom in which to share songs. They … Continue reading

Facebook Campaign for ‘Bald Barbie’ Gains Steam

A Facebook Page petitioning Mattel to create a bald Barbie doll has amassed a significant following in a few short weeks. The campaign hopes to show girls who’ve lost their hair due to cancer treatments, alopecia or trichotillomania that bald … Continue reading

How a Professional Pain Point Led to a Disruptive Business Idea [VIDEO]

Look books are the traditional, non-digital, paper catalogs that fashion designers use to show off their designs to magazine writers and editors. Fed up with the cumbersome process of having to look through every page to find the right item, … Continue reading

Designers Print 3D Buildings, Make Models Out of Metal Powder [VIDEO]

The future of manufacturing and design relies on a printer that costs up to $60,000. MIT Media Lab professor Neri Oxman and materials science professor Craig Carter have created machinery that makes 3D printing of buildings and other structural prototypes … Continue reading

Verizon FiOS TV App, Live Streaming Content Heading to Samsung Smart TVs

LAS VEGAS — Samsung isn’t wasting any time in changing the way we consume live TV on its just-announced line of Smart HDTVs. The consumer electronics giant has unveiled at least one new app partner: Verizon. The company will deliver … Continue reading

Top 10 Self-Published Writers Make 449% More Money Through Amazon Lending Library

Amazon released some strong revenue numbers Thursday around KDP Select, its lending library program for self-published authors. The data, released in effort to ward off uncertainty about the program, suggest that KDP Select is generating some serious revenue for some … Continue reading

SoLoMo Revolution Picks Up Where Hyperlocal Search Left Off

The Future of Search Series is supported by SES New York, the leading search, social and display conference. From March 19 to 23, get five days of education, inspiration and conversations with marketing experts from the digital space. Register with … Continue reading