
Twitter Ordered To Hand Over WikiLeaks Supporters’ Account Information

Twitter has to provide the U.S. Department of Justice with all account information for three users who allegedly support WikiLeaks, a federal judge ordered on Wednesday. U.S. District Judge Liam O’Grady denied a motion to suspend previous orders that would … Continue reading

Al Gore Comes Out Against SOPA

Former Vice President (and Apple board member) Al Gore has some strong words against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). The bill “would very probably have the effect of really shutting down the vibrancy of the Internet,” Gore said at … Continue reading

The Music Hasn’t Died: Sales Up for First Time Since 2004

The world may end this year, but at least the music will go on. Nielsen and Billboard released their 2011 Music Industry Report and the news is finally good: Total album sales increased for the first time since 2004 and … Continue reading

Top 6 Comments on Mashable This Week

We’re kicking off 2012 with a new roundup of top Mashable comments of the week. In this post, we showcase the week’s best comments on our site. We always look for thoughtful comments that engage the community and drive more … Continue reading

46 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed

Get ready, because it’s time for another weekly serving of features. This week, we got ready for CES. Not making the trip out to Vegas? Don’t worry, we’ll keep you covered here. In the political sphere, social media is playing … Continue reading

Vizio to Roll Out Full Line of PCs at CES 2012 [PICS]

Vizio, known for its low-cost but good-quality HDTVs, will introduce five new desktop PCs and laptops at CES 2012. Although the official announcement hasn’t been made yet, we obtained pictures of some of the surprisingly complete group of products Vizio … Continue reading

3 New Tools for Promoting Your Interests

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Each weekend, Mashable selects startups we … Continue reading

Road Trip: Mashable Heading to CES 2012 [COMIC]

As our Mashable team begins its trek to Las Vegas for CES 2012, cartoonist and Editor-in-Chief Lance Ulanoff speaks for all of us: Too many chargers! Can’t somebody standardize all this stuff? Stay with us for an action-packed week of … Continue reading

Exhilarating Film Takes You Through 11 Countries in 1 Minute [VIRAL VIDEO]

Take a look at what director Rick Meriki did last summer: a spectacular one-minute video he made with two of his pals as they traveled to 11 countries over 44 days, walking us through a dazzling variety of cultures, locations … Continue reading

Google Doodle Honors Charles Addams, Creator of “The Addams Family”

Those of you familiar with the ’60s comedy TV series The Addams Family will recognize the eccentric cast of spooky characters Google depicts in today’s Google Doodle, commemorating what would have been the 100th birthday of The Addams Family creator, … Continue reading