
Positive Facebook Updates Get More Likes, Negative Get More Comments [INFOGRAPHIC]

Facebook users Like positive content way more than negative content, showing the world’s largest social network is not a space where the unhappy help each other slump further into depression. This should come as no surprise, as many of our … Continue reading

eBay Instant Sale Pays You in Seconds for Old Electronics and Unwanted Gifts

Out with the old and in with shiny new gadgets. If you’re among those gadget-owners getting rid of the “old,” plenty of retailers offer ways to sell back your unwanted electronic holiday presents and old gadgets. Here’s another: eBay Instant … Continue reading

New Social Network Connects Travelers with Destinations, Experts

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Touristlink Quick Pitch: Touristlink is … Continue reading

U.S. Wanted a Spanish SOPA

The U.S. Ambassador to Spain warned the previous Spanish president late last year that he risked putting his country on an American trade blacklist by failing to pass a law similar to the Stop Online Piracy Act. The warning came … Continue reading

Everything You Need to Know About CES [INFOGRAPHIC]

Listen. Can you hear it? It’s the distant sound of thousands of AMOLED touchscreens being loaded into the Las Vegas Convention Center. That’s right — it’s almost here. CES 2012 promises to be the biggest, baddest tech extravaganza since … … Continue reading

Nikon Debuts New Flagship DSLR, the D4, on Eve of CES

Nikon got a jump on the imminent Consumer Electronics Show (CES) last night by unveiling its new flagship pro camera, the D4. Make no mistake, the D4 is the top-of-the-line DSLR for Nikon, with high-end bells and whistles like fast … Continue reading

Instagram Photos Now Show Up Full Size on Facebook

Instagram has announced deeper integration with Facebook — now your Instagram pictures shared to Facebook will be displayed in full size on your timeline or the timeline of a friend. Not only will the photo show up in all its … Continue reading

Amazon’s LoveFilm Signs TV Streaming Deal With BBC Worldwide

Amazon’s LoveFilm has signed a deal with BBC Worldwide, giving its members access to BBC’s archive of shows as well as those commissioned by other British broadcasters, the company has announced. The deal covers shows such as Doctor Who, Life … Continue reading

5 Predictions for Online Data in 2012

Josh Jones-Dilworth is the founder and CEO of Jones-Dilworth, Inc., a public relations consultancy focused on bringing early-stage technologies to market. In the spirit of the new year, I’ve determined my online data predictions for 2012. And because I’m attempting … Continue reading

From Fantasy to Reality: Scientists Create Time Invisibility Cloak [VIDEO]

You’ve probably seen fictional cloaks that can make people invisible, but now scientists have created a way to mask whole events in time. A team of researchers at Cornell University have come up with a way to essentially cloak time … Continue reading