
Facebook Cited as a Problem in One-Third of UK Divorces [VIDEO]

Facebook may be a good way to bring people closer together, but according to a recent study it might also drive married couples apart. The study, conducted by Divorce-Online, reveals couples are increasingly citing Facebook in divorce petitions. One-third of … Continue reading

Video Conferencing Service iMeet Makes Evernote Its Virtual Notebook

In the physical world, people take notes and share documents during meetings. Video conference service iMeet is aiming to give virtual meetings the same option through an integration with versatile note-taking service Evernote. iMeet users can now access any documents … Continue reading

RIM Considering New Chairmen [REPORT]

A new report suggests that Research in Motion, the company behind the BlackBerry, is looking to make some changes to its board of directors, changes that could cast aside current co-chairmen Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie. According to the Financial … Continue reading

6 Turnkey Tools for Content Distribution

Shane Snow is a New York-based tech journalist and co-founder of, a marketplace for brand publishers and journalists. It’s never been easier to become a publisher, but being a publisher ain’t easy. Today, the scarce resource in the publishing … Continue reading

KGB Spy Kit Is Not Just for the Movies [VIDEO]

There may be more truth than you’d think to the James Bond-like spy gadgets in movies. Entertainment blog English Russia released photos of a KGB spy kit that includes a lip stick gun, pipe gun, cyanide gun and other various … Continue reading

Twitter Admits Verifying Fake @Wendi_Deng Was a Mistake

On Tuesday morning, the world learned that the account bearing media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s wife’s name, Wendi Deng Murdoch, is not run by her or anyone connected to her. And less than two hours after the revelation, Twitter admitted in … Continue reading

Can Twitter Predict the Iowa Caucus?

Can Twitter predict the outcome of the Iowa Caucus better than national polls? Mashable has partnered with Global Point Research to answer that question. According to the latest NBC News-Marist national poll, ex-Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has a slight edge … Continue reading

5 Best Practices for Digital Marketers in 2012

Jonathan Gardner is director of communications at ad company Vibrant Media. He has spent nearly two decades as an innovator at the nexus of media and technology, having worked in communications leadership roles and as a journalist around the world. … Continue reading

RIM Slashes Price of All BlackBerry PlayBooks to $299

Want a BlackBerry PlayBook? This might be a good time to buy one, especially if you were looking at the models with more storage memory. RIM has slashed the price of all PlayBook models to $299 in a limited-time offer … Continue reading