
Composer’s Christmas Music Video Rocks the Dubstep [VIDEO]

Take a look at this Christmas music video by songwriter Bobby Smith, starring his wife Kelley and himself in a dancetastic musicale that takes Christmas videomaking to a whole new level. Pay special attention to the audio track, and you’ll … Continue reading

How Santa Delivers All Those Gifts by Christmas Morning

Santa Claus needs a tremendous amount of tech backup to effectively deliver presents to every child’s house in the world before the sun rises. Peter Baynham, screenwriter of blockbuster film Arthur Christmas, spent nearly five years calculating exactly how Santa … Continue reading

Google Rolls Out Clever New Ad Featuring the Muppets [VIDEO]

Have you tried Google+ Hangouts? Apparently, the Muppets have, and Google wants you to know about it. Here’s a new ad rolled out this week, where you can see a scenario where “famously good friends get together in a Google+ … Continue reading

Santa is Heading Out, Right After This [COMIC]

Santa is about to start making his rounds, but what’s this? He’s busy doing something else? What is it? It certainly couldn’t be as important as distributing toys and gadgetry to children of all ages, could it? It looks like … Continue reading

Air Jordans Did Not Cause Death, Despite Twitter Rumors

Air Jordan XI shoes were released Friday to mobs of eager shoppers, hoping to snag a pair of the retro Nike sneaks. Amid reported arrests and robberies, social networks buzzed that an 18-year-old had been trampled to death in suburban … Continue reading

5 Ways to Boost Your Digital Media Career in 2012

Hanson Hosein is the Director of the Master of Communication in Digital Media at the University of Washington. He’s written Storyteller Uprising: Trust & Persuasion in the Digital Age, and the host of Four Peaks on UWTV and has advised … Continue reading

Is Gamification Right for Your Business? 7 Things to Consider

This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. This year has lent itself to a slew of new buzzwords, and gamification is easily one … Continue reading

YouTube’s Best Christmas Videos

Dancing With An iPod In Public – Christmas Edition Click here to view this gallery. YouTube‘s full of fresh videos this year, spreading some heart-warming, albeit comical, Christmas cheer. We’ve rounded up some favorites, featuring emoticons, Charlie Brown, auto-captioning and, … Continue reading

Top Comments on Mashable This Week

We’re back again for a weekly roundup of the top Mashable comments of the week. In this post, we showcase the week’s best comments on our site. We always look for thoughtful comments that engage the community and drive more … Continue reading

Trololo Man Returns for a Rousing Encore, 35 Years Later [VIRAL VIDEO]

And now for a Christmas gift we know you’ll enjoy: Trololo Man is BACK! Russian singer Eduard Khil still has that special magic, even 35 years after the sensationally corny premiere of his odd, yodeling croon on Russian TV. That … Continue reading