
Amazon’s Cloud: A Supercomputer Anyone Can Rent

Amazon has one of the world’s fastest supercomputers. There’s something unusual about it, though — it’s not real. That is, it’s not real in the way other supercomputers are, in a huge room filled with glowing, humming racks of processors … Continue reading

4 Ways Small Business Websites Can Drive More Sales

Aaron Sperling is CEO and co-founder of vFlyer, which provides online marketing solutions for small businesses and independent service providers. You can follow Aaron and his team on their Facebook page, Twitter and on the company blog.

 A scenario: You … Continue reading

Facebook Messenger for Windows 7 is Official

Facebook has done it’s darndest to take over your digital life. The massively popular social network has your photos, videos, a news feed, apps and games and even instant messaging. Seeking further ubiquity, Facebook is bringing its Facebook Messenger IM … Continue reading

How to Follow the Times Square Ball Drop on Social Media [VIDEO]

Since all eyes are on the Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball each year, it’s only natural that the high-tech device would inspire some digital initiatives surrounding the big event. From TV networks rewarding viewers for watching certain shows to … Continue reading

No Surprises Here: RIM Continues to Lose Market Share [VIDEO]

RIM‘s mobile market share fell from 7.1% to 6.5% between September and November, according to a recent report. During the same time period, Apple’s share increased 1.4%, coinciding with the iPhone 4S launch. When it comes to the smartphone market, … Continue reading

Teen Prodigy Recognized by Microsoft Now in Critical Condition

A 16 year-old girl who was once deemed one of the youngest Microsoft Professionals in the world, is in critical condition after suffering cardiac arrest on Dec. 22. Arfa Karim Randhawa, who received that recognition at age 9 after meeting … Continue reading

Verizon: Future 4G LTE Outages Won’t Affect the Whole Country

Verizon‘s been having a lousy month. On top of the PR disaster of introducing a new $2 service fee for paying bills online, the wireless carrier with the reputation for having the best service suffered no less than three outages … Continue reading

Google Reveals 2012 New Year’s Doodle

Fans of Google Doodles — the charming illustrations and re-imaginations of “Google” that appear on the site’s main page — can get an early look at the company’s New Year’s doodle with a little smart thinking and a foreign domain … Continue reading

2011′s Biggest Winners and Losers in Ecommerce

In-demand products, unparalleled site design and usability, competitive search engine marketing, continuous innovative, exciting holiday specials — these are just some of the variables that make up a successful ecommerce business. On the other hand, some of the top pitfalls … Continue reading

8 Amazing Emerging Technologies From 2011

1. Networking via LED Wi-Fi jammed? It won’t be a problem if you’re networking through your room lights. You heard right — scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications in Germany worked out a way to transmit data via normal … Continue reading