
Facebook Timeline vs. Old Profiles: How People View Them Differently [STUDY]

Your social media profiles have morphed as the sites they live on have changed. So has the way people view them. To get a better idea of how profile design affects profile viewers, Mashable asked eye-tracking research startup EyeTrackShop to … Continue reading

Internet Meme Playing Card Project Seeks Your Funding

If one Seattle man had his way, all playing cards would have faces — the faces of Internet memes. Ray Thomas has launched a Kickstarter project to raise $4,200 for the production of playing cards that would feature 52 memes, … Continue reading

How to Launch a Social Ambassador Campaign

Curry Smith is affiliated with NOLAbound, a unique program that immerses 25 professionals in New Orleans business to discuss the city’s entrepreneurial and social media influence. You can apply to be considered for a spot in the program at … Continue reading

Who Are Your 10 BFFs on Facebook? This App Will Tell You

A Facebook app created by Visa in conjunction with the NFL will help you assemble a team of your 10 closest Facebook friends for a Super Bowl-themed video designed to promote a contest run by the credit card brand. The … Continue reading

Spotify Names Top 10 Songs Streamed in 2011

Streaming music site Spotify has released its list of this year’s most-played tracks on the site, and indie-pop band Foster the People not only claimed the top spot, it’s the only group with two singles in the top 10. It’s … Continue reading

How the Social Media IPOs of 2011 Fared [STUDY]

Social media continued to thrive in 2011 as it fomented revolutions in Egypt, Libya and Bahrain. But investors appeared to be a lot less enthralled. Looking back over the 19 social media IPOs of 2011, Kevin Pleines — an analyst … Continue reading

Facebook 2012: What the Future Holds for the Social Media Powerhouse

What do you do after your site grows to 800 million users and expands to 1 trillion pageviews per month? Why, plan a $100 billion IPO, of course! Going public is clearly the biggest thing on tap for Facebook in … Continue reading

Most Rented Redbox Films of 2011 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Redbox, the kiosk rental company that has outpaced traditional retail rental shops, has shared its most rented films of 2011. With Netflix making the controversial decision to increase its prices, Redbox’s value proposition for movie and video game rentals has … Continue reading

3D Optical Scanning Makes 125-Year-Old Records Sing

Dust off your old and beat up records, there might just be a way to get them to sing again. Scientists from Lawrence Berkeley National Library have managed to coax sound out of 125-year-old recordings using 3D optical scanning technology. … Continue reading

Confirmed: Verizon Charging $2 Fee for Paying Bills Online or By Phone

Verizon customers who make single payments by phone or online will be charged a $2 fee per payment starting January 15. The new fee is intended to offset the cost of processing these payments. “The fee will help allow us … Continue reading