
GDrive: 5 Ways Google Could Dominate the Cloud Storage Market in 2012

Charlie Wood is the CEO and founder of Spanning, makers of Spanning Backup for Google Apps. For years Wood has worked closely with the Google Apps team and possesses unique insights into the Google ecosystem for businesses. You can read … Continue reading

Facebook Prioritizes Being ‘Blue Chip’ Before IPO [VIDEO]

Facebook is heading towards its much anticipated IPO, but before the company goes public, Zuckerberg is concerned with putting forth the best product possible. The Facebook CEO told The Wall Street Journal he’s focused on building his company into a … Continue reading

White House Releases Infographic to Spur #40dollars Campaign Recognition

As part of its ongoing digital campaign to raise support for a two-month payroll tax cut extension, the White House released a new infographic Thursday showing that tweets with the hashtag #40dollars have been coming in from across the U.S. … Continue reading

Obama’s Tumblr Posts Viral Photo of Same-Sex Kiss

A Navy tradition of raffling off the first homecoming kiss turned into a poignant reminder of the sign of the times after the ship docked Wednesday and the winning female sailor kissed her awaiting girlfriend. And now, the Tumblr blog … Continue reading

How to Master YouTube Promoted Videos

Matt Lawson is the vice president of marketing at Marin Software, the largest paid search management provider. Many people think of YouTube as a place to watch cat videos and post clips of their kids singing silly songs. However, marketers … Continue reading

Facebook Names Top Games of 2011

Social gaming was a big trend in 2011 and we expect the market to continue to grow in 2012. Facebook, the biggest platform for social games, released its list of the most popular games of 2011. Unlike most year-end lists, … Continue reading

You Know Your Klout Score. What’s Your Kred Score?

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Kred Quick Pitch: Kred assigns … Continue reading

Researchers Create ‘Sun-Believable’ Solar Cell Paint

Notre Dame researchers have created a semiconductive paste, which can turn surfaces its applied to into solar cells. A team of researchers, lead by Professor Prashant Kamat, created the new material by coating nano-sized particles of titanium dioxide with either … Continue reading

Sorry, Apple: German Ban of Samsung Galaxy Tab Probably Ending

Based on the comments of one German judge, Apple’s legal fight over the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1N in that country is about to come to an end. Apple had previously succeeded in getting a court in Dusseldorf to ban sales … Continue reading

New Expedition 30 Crew Members Launch to Station [VIDEO]

Three new Expedition 30 crew members began their journey to the International Space Station on Wednesday, according to NASA. The video above shows flight engineers Don Pettit, Oleg Kononenko and Andre Kuipers blasting off into space from the Baikonur Cosmodrome … Continue reading