
Stephen Baldwin to Brother Alec: When Are You Coming Back to Twitter? [VIDEO]

Alec Baldwin, your brother Stephen wants to know when you’re coming back to Twitter. That was apparently the message Actor Stephen Baldwin texted to big brother Alec after his in-flight Words with Friends-fueled meltdown, which led to the actor walking … Continue reading

Netflix Signs UK Streaming Deal With the BBC

Netflix has signed a licensing agreement with BBC Worldwide to bring a “broad range” of BBC series to its users in the UK and Ireland, the company has announced. The deal includes popular BBC series such as “Torchwood,” “Spooks,” as … Continue reading

Flickr 2011: The Year in Photos

Tunisian Protests Photo courtesy of Flickr, papacamera Click here to view this gallery. 2011 has been a year of memorable news headlines, from natural disasters to final space shuttle missions to historic deaths. Flickr has pieced together the story of … Continue reading

The 10 Most-Influential Retailers of the Holiday Season Online

Amazon and Victoria’s Secret are among the top retailers — at least based on their Klout scores — that are getting shoppers to talk about them or go to their sites this holiday season. Klout measured retailers’ online influence on … Continue reading

What Does Tom Cruise Do With His iPad? [VIDEO]

Mashable doesn’t get invited to a lot of red carpet events, so we took advantage of our primo spot at the Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol premiere to ask big-name stars and celebrities what they do with technology. Tom Cruise … Continue reading

Tech Creeps Into Top Toy Trends of Past 30 Years [INFOGRAPHIC]

When it comes to the most-wanted toys of the holiday season over the past 30 years, one thing is clear: The toy market has become way more tech-centric. Between 1981-1990, Donkey Kong, Lazer Tag and Nintendo’s Game Boy stood out … Continue reading

Why Quora’s New Boards Feature Makes It a Better Network

Quora’s relationship with the Q&A format is no longer exclusive. As of Tuesday, you can also use the site to arrange content from around the web on Pinterest-like boards. While the move seems like an odd one for a startup … Continue reading

Twitter Takes TextSecure, Texting App for Dissidents, Open Source

A technology that helped start a global movement is now being put into the hands of the people. TextSecure, an Android app that encrypts text messages and is popular among activists in many countries, is now open source, thanks to … Continue reading

My Life Without Facebook: A Social Experiment

In July, I deactivated my Facebook account as a sort of social experiment. With Facebook and real life becoming increasingly symbiotic, what would I miss? What wouldn’t I miss? This didn’t begin as an impulsive decision with unexpected consequences, and … Continue reading

Study: Happiness Is Trending Down on Twitter [VIDEO]

A recent study of Twitter use reveals that the general public appears to be less happy than previously. University of Vermont researchers surveyed more than 4.5 billion tweets and discovered which words were used the most and how they characterize … Continue reading