
Cablevision and Verizon Settle Dispute Over Controversial Ad [VIDEO]

Cablevision and Verizon have speedily settled a lawsuit in which the former charged Verizon with running misleading ads about the speed of its broadband service. Cablevision, the fifth-largest cable TV provider by subscribers, sued Verizon on Dec. 6, charging that … Continue reading

The Biggest Web Outages of 2011

It’s been a notable year for Web outages. From Netflix going down at extremely inopportune times, to Amazon Web Services’ multi-day breakdown in the spring, Internet services are still seemingly as unreliable as ever. SmartBear Software just published its list … Continue reading

The Biggest Web Outages of 2011 [VIDEO]

It’s been a notable year for Web outages. From Netflix going down at extremely inopportune times, to Amazon Web Services’ multi-day breakdown in the spring, Internet services are still seemingly as unreliable as ever. SmartBear Software just published its list … Continue reading

IBM Says We’ll Have Mind-Reading Computers Within Five Years

Keyboards and mice may seem like clunky artifacts of the past within the next five years, pushed aside in favor of the ultimate user interface: the human mind. That’s according to IBM, which just published its “5 in 5″ forecast: … Continue reading

5 Things Missing From the New TweetDeck for Chrome

I like to install as few things on my PC as possible. That’s why when TweetDeck released an app for Google Chrome in Dec. 2010, it was an epiphany. No need to run another program in the background. Simply flick … Continue reading

Facebook Completes Move Into New Menlo Park Headquarters

Facebook officially finished moving into its gleaming new headquarters on Monday as a final group of employees reported for work at the company’s recently acquired Menlo Park campus. As Facebook prepares for an IPO reported to be coming as early … Continue reading

Today’s Top Stories: IBM Predicts the Future, Sony Apologizes, Google Invests in Solar

Welcome to this morning’s edition of “First To Know,” a series in which we keep you in the know on what’s happening in the digital world. Today, we’re looking at three particularly interesting stories. Google Invests $94 Million in Solar … Continue reading

Amazon: 13 Major Milestones of 2011

The year 2011 was especially prosperous and successful for Amazon, partly due to the company’s popular Kindle ebooks, but also because Amazon introduced its first Android-based tablet, the Kindle Fire. Just five days after Amazon announced the new tablet in … Continue reading

Apple Wins Patent Victory Over Android, but Does It Matter?

Apple was just handed potentially its biggest victory yet in its ongoing patent lawsuits with Google Android. The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) ruled today that Android devices that display phone numbers in a specific way should be banned for … Continue reading

Mashable Weekend Recap: 28 Stories You May Have Missed

As the highly anticipated holidays drew ever nearer, over the weekend people were thinking about shopping, snowflakes, Santa Claus and parties galore. Amid all that chaos, quotable and notable Mashable things were happening around here, and we stayed on top … Continue reading