
Apple Wins Patent Victory Over Android, but Does It Matter?

Apple was just handed potentially its biggest victory yet in its ongoing patent lawsuits with Google Android. The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) ruled today that Android devices that display phone numbers in a specific way should be banned for … Continue reading

Mashable Weekend Recap: 28 Stories You May Have Missed

As the highly anticipated holidays drew ever nearer, over the weekend people were thinking about shopping, snowflakes, Santa Claus and parties galore. Amid all that chaos, quotable and notable Mashable things were happening around here, and we stayed on top … Continue reading

Self-Employed? How to Give Yourself a Raise in 2012

Here’s a hypothetical (yet common) situation: Sara is a brilliant web designer who has never raised her client rates. Not once. Sure, she signs on new clients more often, but her existing clientele enjoy some kind of unwritten grandfather clause … Continue reading

MTV’s ‘Power of 12′ Campaign Creates Fantasy Political Election Game

MTV just unleashed Power of 12, a campaign designed to get 18- to 29-year-olds fired up about the 2012 U.S. elections. Unlike previous campaigns — dubbed “Choose or Lose” since 1992 — the renamed initiative features a fantasy football-like gaming … Continue reading

This Is Why You Were Friended or Unfriended [STUDY]

While some Internet interactions are online-only relationships, the most common reason we add friends on Facebook is because we know people in real life. According to recent research from NM Incite, for 82% of Facebook users, knowing someone offline is … Continue reading

The AT&T T-Mobile Deal Is Officially Dead

AT&T said today it was abandoning its plan to acquire T-Mobile. In a statement, AT&T said it had agreed with Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile’s owner to end its bid to buy the company for $39 billion. AT&T said it had thoroughly … Continue reading

Cornell Wins Bid for New York City Tech Campus

Cornell University has been chosen by New York City to build a technology campus on Roosevelt Island with a grant of city-owned land and $100 million. The campus Cornell proposed will occupy 2.1 million square feet, accommodate up to 2,500 … Continue reading

Who’s Tweeting About Holiday Travel? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Traveling this holiday season? Whether it’s by train, plane or automobile, you’re not alone. Twitter is abuzz with more than just complaints about flight delays, lengthy layovers and traffic jams — many of you are also tweeting about your travel … Continue reading

Flirting With Danger: More Drivers Texting on the Road Than Ever

Despite various state law bans and nationwide awareness campaigns to prevent texting from behind the wheel, the amount of people texting while driving is actually on the rise, a new study suggests. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration … Continue reading

Twitter Reacts to Kim Jong-il’s Death

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il died Saturday while on a train trip, and his youngest son Kim Jong-un has been named the new leader of the country, Reuters reports. Kim Jong-il was known by the West as a dictator who … Continue reading