
Swedish Citizens Now Control @sweden Twitter Account

Sweden’s people have officially taken over the @sweden Twitter account — and with the blessing of the Swedish government. One Swedish citizen will control the handle each week, tweeting about whatever they’d like, as part of a new project called … Continue reading

iTunes Match Goes Live Internationally

iTunes Match, Apple’s service which allows users to access their music library – including non-iTunes songs – from Apple’s cloud, has started rolling out internationally, TUAW reports. Users are reporting the service going live in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, … Continue reading

Now Recognized as a Word, ‘Tebowing’ Meme Spreads Worldwide

“Tebowing,” the campy Internet meme inspired by lightning rod NFL quarterback Tim Tebow has, like its namesake, refused to fade away quietly. In fact, according to at least one source, Tebowing is now an official part of the English language. … Continue reading

Which Republican Debate Got the Most Social Media Buzz? [CHART]

While the race to the GOP primary has been a long one, the candidates are in the home stretch and frequently taking the debate stage. And as we’ve seen for some time now, live TV lights up social networks like … Continue reading

Apple Rumored to Release ‘iPad Mini’ in Late 2012 [VIDEO]

The latest Apple iPad rumor making the rounds: a 7.85-inch iPad Mini will be available in late 2012. Could this be Apple’s response to Amazon’s Kindle Fire? Check out the video to find out more. Do you think Apple should … Continue reading

What Is Anonymous? [VIDEO]

Every now and again, the Internet gets all flustered about the latest hack attack by the mysterious group known as Anonymous. The media reports it, online communities take sides, but it’s hard to get a handle on exactly what Anon … Continue reading

Daytime Fireworks Are More Beautiful Than You’d Expect [VIDEO]

Each day, Mashable highlights one noteworthy YouTube video. Check out all our viral video picks. Everyone loves watching fireworks illuminate dark skies, but did you ever wonder what they would look like during the day? Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang put … Continue reading

Why Recognizing Your Employees on Social Media Is Great for Business

Curt Finch is the founder and CEO of Journyx, where he helps companies with time-tracking and resource management software. Connect with him and Journyx on Facebook and Twitter. Social media has opened countless new avenues for promotion of all kinds. … Continue reading

Malls Send Geo-fencing Texts to Lure Shoppers to Stores

Retailers aren’t the only ones pulling out the stops this year to lure more foot traffic into stores – shopping centers nationwide are doing the same by embracing geo-fencing technology. Retail real estate company DDR Corp., which owns hundreds of … Continue reading

Whatever Happened to Ringtones? [INFOGRAPHIC]

When was the last time you downloaded a ringtone? 2008? For many of us, downloading our favorite pop song du jour feels as dated as choosing a buddy icon our AIM profile. However, somewhere, people still download ringtones. The mobile … Continue reading