
Google Receives Patent for Self-Driving Car Technology [VIDEO]

Google has received a patent for its driverless car technology. First revealed a year ago, the patent includes a plan for mixed-mode autonomous driving – a driving method in which the car takes full control after passing a reference indicator, … Continue reading

Michael Bublé Comes to CityVille

Michael Bublé is coming to CityVille. The Grammy-winning artist — whose album Christmas is currently number one on the Billboard 200 — will be making a (digital) appearance in Zynga’s hit Facebook game. Bublé joins a growing list of entertainers … Continue reading

Gary Vaynerchuk: Why ROI Matters for Social Media [VIDEO]

Entrepreneur and author Gary Vaynerchuk thinks so-called social media experts are “clowns” — what really matters is driving ROI. According to Vaynerchuk, who is the author of best-selling business books Crush It and The Thank You Economy, too many companies … Continue reading

5 Major Trends That Changed Digital Entertainment in 2011

As 2011 comes to a close, it’s time to look back and reflect on some of the major events, changes and trends across various industries. Social and digital media are having a profound impact on how media entertainment content is … Continue reading

RIM: BlackBerry 10 Phones Not Coming Until Late 2012

The next generation of BlackBerry phones will be late. RIM said today in a quarterly earnings call that phones running BlackBerry 10 — based on the same software on the PlayBook tablet — won’t be arriving until the second half … Continue reading

Facebook Timeline: How to Enable It With One Click [PICS]

When Facebook first started experimenting with its radical new (and I think, sensational) Timeline interface back in late September, we showed you an 8-step way to get a sneak preview. Now, it’s a whole lot easier: You can enable the … Continue reading

Consumers Not Turning to Social Media Sites for Local Business Info [STUDY]

People who look for information about local restaurants and businesses are turning to the Internet but not social media sites, according to a new study. The Pew Internet and American Life Project found that the Internet far outpaces other sources … Continue reading

Zynga to Raise $1 Billion in IPO [REPORT]

Zynga is offering 100 million shares to the public at $10 each for a potential $1 billion IPO, according to a report. Bloomberg is currently reporting the figure, but hasn’t elaborated further. Zynga reps could not be reached for comment. … Continue reading

SOPA Supporters Outed as Content Pirates on YouHaveDownloaded Database?

As heat continues to build around the controversial and contentious Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), one site is taking matters into its own hands to out opponents of piracy as pirates themselves. is a site that keeps track of … Continue reading

House SOPA Debate Raises Specter of a ‘Lawless’ Internet

The House Judiciary Committee spent hours on Thursday debating changes to Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), the bill that some call “piracy protection” and others say threatens the Internet as we know it. If passed, SOPA would lead to the … Continue reading