
The 10 Most Overused LinkedIn Profile Buzzwords of 2011

Do you describe yourself as professionally creative and motivated? Then a new list from LinkedIn suggests another descriptor for you too: Unimaginative. LinkedIn has analyzed the 135 million accounts on its network to reveal the top 10 most-overused buzzwords that … Continue reading

10 Parodies of Rick Perry’s ‘Strong’ Ad

10 “Strong” Parodies and Lip Dubs GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry’s recent “Strong” campaign commercial frowns upon gays serving in the military and schools not letting children openly celebrate Christmas. Perry’s controversial message incited a wave of parodies and lip … Continue reading

U.S. Shoppers Have Spent Nearly $25 Billion Online This Holiday Season [VIDEO]

U.S. shoppers have already spent close to $25 billion online this holiday season, marking a 15% increase in ecommerce since last year, comScore says. Cyber Monday had its biggest year ever, with $1.2 billion spent online. “These highlights represent another … Continue reading

Nearly Half of Teen Internet Users Have Lied About Their Age [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social networking is more popular than ever — that’s why many teens want to get in on the action and will even lie about their age to do so. According to a recent study, 44% of teens have lied about … Continue reading

Turning Social Data Into Real-Life Connections [VIDEO]

Social media has made the world smaller — thanks to sites like Facebook, we’re all a couple degrees closer to each other. But are those new connections extending beyond the virtual space? An ambitious mobile app called Sonar aims to … Continue reading

Amazon Extends Christmas Shipping Deadlines

Amazon on Tuesday announced a Christmas gift for procrastinators: An extension of free Super Saver Shipping through Dec. 19, two days later than last year. The online retailer promised that orders placed on that date will make it to the … Continue reading

A Brick-and-Mortar App Store Opens in Colorado [VIDEO]

Is the Apple App Store just too impossible to navigate and impersonal for you? A new brick-and-mortar shop in Colorado wants to change up your app-buying and browsing experience. OpenSpace CEO and founder Robert Reich has opened the first-ever physical … Continue reading

How an Integrated Marketing Campaign Boosted IKEA’s Sales Over 7%

The Modern Media Agency Series is supported by IDG. Where should mobile fit in a promotional campaign? Watch this response to that question from Anna Bager, leader of mobile initiatives at IAB… Media agency MEC and ad agency Ogilvy & … Continue reading

Facebook Program Aims to Prevent Suicides Via Chat

A new Facebook program aims to prevent suicides by connecting distressed users with counselors via chat. The program, which launched Tuesday, lets friends alert Facebook when users express suicidal thoughts, reports The Associated Press. If your friend posts a comment … Continue reading

CERN Finds Higgs Boson Evidence, But Not Enough to Be Conclusive

Higgs Boson, the particle that could explain the creation and existence of all mass (or, as we like to call it “stuff”), what some call the “God Particle,” has shown itself — maybe. The European Organization for Nuclear Research, also … Continue reading