
The Daily Show Goes After Freemium Apps [VIDEO]

Freemium apps are here to stay, but that doesn’t mean all of us like them. Now, The Daily Show has done a hilarious report on parents that let their kids download “free” games only to find massive iTunes charges on … Continue reading

NFL Stars: The Secrets to Their Facebook Success

You won’t see Jeff Weiner prowling NFL sidelines while barking orders into a headset, and he’s never won a Super Bowl or coach of the year award. But Weiner, 28, does play a crucial coaching role for NFL players by … Continue reading

YouTube Snaps Up RightsFlow Music-Copyright Specialist

Google just acquired RightsFlow, a company that specializes in helping artists and labels licence and get paid for copyrighted music. Google plans to integrate RightsFlow’s database and technology into YouTube, making it that much easier for Right Said Fred to … Continue reading

Google+ Gets Face Recognition, Deeper Gmail Integration

Google is on fire today: besides introducing the new activities recommendation engine Schemer, and the news aggregator Currents, the company also improved Google+ with several nifty features, including face detection. The new feature is called Find my Face, and it … Continue reading

New Twitter: 25 Tips and Tricks for Savvy Tweeters

The reorganized and refashioned is a markedly different beast than it was just 48 hours ago. Now millions of users who call Twitter’s web destination home are looking for help. Perhaps just 25 soupcons of it. If so, look … Continue reading

5 Small Biz Mobile Marketing Strategies for the Holidays

Ted Iannuzzi is the CEO of DIDMO. As co-creator of the company’s flagship product, mobile content creation platform Magmito, he’s passionate about mobile communication. This year’s record-breaking Cyber Monday and Black Friday sales are a good indication that a successful … Continue reading

Sports Illustrated Wants You to Choose Its Next Cover

For the first time in Sports Illustrated‘s 60-year publication history, it is letting fans choose its cover. Beginning at 3 p.m. ET on Friday, fans are invited to visit the sports newsweekly’s Facebook page to help select the cover for … Continue reading

OWS Protesters ‘Mockupy’ Law & Order SVU Set [VIDEO]

Occupy Wall Street protesters occupied a TV show set depicting the movement in New York City Thursday night. They organized the march via Twitter with the hashtag ‘mockupy’ and took over the set of Law & Order SVU. Real NYPD … Continue reading

YouTube Revamps Video Manager

YouTube revamped its Video Manager on Friday in an update that coincides with the homepage makeover from earlier this month. Like the new YouTube homepage design, the Video Manager is now cleaner and less cluttered. It also better fits into … Continue reading

Apple’s Latest Store Opening: Grand Central Station [PICS]

New York City just got a stunning new tourist attraction. Apple’s largest-ever retail venue opened on Friday at the historic Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan, as swarms of fans camped out for hours to be among the first to enter. … Continue reading