
Hands on With Twitter for iPhone and Android

Twitter unleashed a major redesign of its platform on Thursday, including brand new versions of its Android and iPhone apps. Like Facebook, Twitter is using HTML5 along with native app elements to unify the user experience of its mobile apps … Continue reading

New Rick Perry Ad Lambasted on YouTube, Facebook

Rick Perry’s latest advertisement, a 30-second YouTube video entitled “Strong,” is receiving a barrage of negative attention from Internet users. The video, uploaded Tuesday, Dec. 6, has now been viewed nearly 750,000 times. Roughly 4,000 users (2% of responders) liked it — while … Continue reading

Sunday Night Is Most Popular Time to Download Android Apps

Android posted a series of infographics on Thursday with impressive app stats to celebrate its 10 billionth download from the Android Market. Android users from 190 countries download apps every day, according to one of the infographics. The U.S. is … Continue reading

10 Premium Android Apps for 10 Cents Each

To celebrate the Android Market surpassing its 10 billionth download, Google is running a promo that includes 10 premium apps for 10 days at only $0.10 each. Thursday marks day three of the Android promo, but it seems like yesterday’s … Continue reading

Senators Press ICANN on Generic Top-Level Domains

Senators asked the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to slow down the process of releasing new top-level domains Thursday at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. But the discussion was moot. … Continue reading

Bug in Adobe Reader Could Endanger Your PC

Describing a vulnerability in some of its reader software as “critical,” Adobe identified a flaw that could “potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system.” We’re not just talking about your mom’s e-books. Adobe says hackers have … Continue reading

4 Ways the New Twitter Is Taking on Facebook

Twitter’s native video- and photo-sharing features may have hinted at its desire to go after Facebook, but the redesign it launched on Thursday stated them loud and clear. Twitter now looks a lot more like the world’s largest social network, … Continue reading

What’s Your Greatest ‘Words With Friends’ Achievement?

It’s been an interesting week for Words With Friends. On Monday, Alec Baldwin made news for getting kicked off a flight prior to take-off in Los Angeles because of issues relating to his phone use. Apparently his addiction to the … Continue reading

Google Currents Becomes Latest News Aggregator App

Google has released its new Currents app for Android devices and iOS. The universal app offers a personalized news experience in a magazine-like format. Google Currents contains three “editions,” including Publisher, Google trending, and favorites. In a blog post, Google … Continue reading

The 10 Most Innovative Viral Video Ads of 2011

Josh Warner is president and founder of Feed Company, which promotes and distributes brand videos, including campaigns such as Levi’s “Backflip,” Ray-Ban’s “Catch” and Activision’s “Bike Hero.” In five years, Feed Company has seeded more than 300 videos across the … Continue reading