
NASA’s Voyager 1 to Go Where No Spacecraft Has Gone Before

NASA’s Voyager 1 is preparing to leave the solar system — literally going where no spacecraft has gone before. The edge of the solar system is marked by the outer reaches of the sun’s magnetic field and solar wind. Scientists … Continue reading

The Three Stooges Encounter an iPhone, Snooki [VIDEO]

Each day, Mashable highlights one noteworthy YouTube video. Check out all our viral video picks. The iconic Larry, Curly and Moe come back to life in The Three Stooges movie trailer, released Wednesday. This 106-second clip showcases their familiar raucous … Continue reading

7 Free Office Tools to Save Non-Profits Money

Giving programs and donations to non-profits are generally the first thing that companies scale back on when a struggling economy forces budget cuts. Fortunately there are great no-cost ways for non-profits to continue to administrate and build their organization in … Continue reading

Hollywood Heroes Become Villains in Online Video Gallery

Ryan Gosling as a shadowy stranger, Gary Oldman as a ventrilloquist’s doll, Brad Pitt as a moth-obsessed freak — these are just a taste of the bizarre-brilliant villains that the New York Times Magazine has collected as part of an … Continue reading

Judge Hits Blogger With $2.5 Million Charge for Not Being a Journalist

In a case that’s sending a frightening message to the blogger community, a U.S. District Court judge ruled that a blogger must pay $2.5 million to an investment firm she wrote about — because she isn’t a real journalist. As … Continue reading

Apple’s iPad Aims to be a Hospital Helper [VIDEO]

Hospitals and doctors continue to use Apple’s iPad for a number of tasks around the hospital, but with its growing popularity Apple must make sure it doesn’t break FDA guidelines. Check out the video above to find out how iPads … Continue reading

Alec Baldwin Leaves Twitter: 8 Other Celebrity Social Media Meltdowns

Within a day of getting booted from an American Airlines flight, Alec Baldwin has booted himself off of Twitter. The star shut down his Twitter account, which had more than 600,000 followers, on Wednesday. The previous night, Baldwin had tweeted … Continue reading

Online Piracy Act: Would It Help Business or Kill Innovation? [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is stirring up a lot of controversy in the tech world. Companies that rely heavily on copyright protection call the bill piracy protection; those that rely on user-generated content call it censorship. The bill … Continue reading

Seth Godin Challenges You to Fail [VIDEO]

Seth Godin wants you to fail, but in a good way. In this interview with Behind the Brand, Godin explains why companies like Facebook and Google aren’t afraid to fail fast and why you should try it too. In his … Continue reading

Words With Friends Addicts Unite, Support Alec Baldwin

Friends, word-wranglers, trash-talking letter-tray fiends, lend me your virtual ears. I come to praise a new and powerful spokesman for our tribe of Words With Friends addicts: actor Alec Baldwin. You may already have seen the news that Baldwin was … Continue reading