
Facebook’s Secret to High Emotional Engagement? Faces [STUDY]

If you’re trying to understand why Facebook elicits such an emotional response, look no further than the name. A study commissioned by Facebook examined how consumers’ brains responded to the site as well as to Yahoo’s and The New York … Continue reading

Beyonce’s Baby Inspired More Tweets Per Second Than Steve Jobs’ Passing

The onstage confirmation of Beyonce’s pregnancy during MTV’s Video Music Awards shattered Twitter’s tweets-per-second record in August. To this day, the event still tops the TPS chart, ahead of significant moments involving Steve Jobs, FIFA Women’s World Cup, New Year’s … Continue reading

Live Tweeting the GOP Muppet Hearings

It sounds like the plot of a Muppet movie: A right-wing TV network accuses Jim Henson’s popular creations of being Communists, and a multitude of fans rise to their defense throughout the country. That’s the story being played out on … Continue reading

Netflix CEO Compares Company to Bank of America and Oakland A’s

Ouch. Reed Hastings addressed a room of investors and media experts this week in a bid to reignite confidence in his company. After his curious speech, it’s unlikely many of them will be jumping back on the Netflix bandwagon anytime … Continue reading

Intel and IBM Reveal the Future of Computer Chips

The past 24 hours have seen two of the biggest names in technology reveal the future of computer chips — intentionally or otherwise. A leaked document from Intel shows the company setting the bar for the next generation of processors, … Continue reading

TopBrewer Brews Coffee With the Touch of an iPhone or iPad

Brewing your morning coffee is about to get easier with the help of an iPhone or iPad. Scanomat’s TopBrewer is a cutting-edge coffee machine compatible with an iPhone or iPad that is unlike others on the market. The TopBrewer features … Continue reading

Google+ for iOS Gets Search and Big Pics

Google+ for iOS just got a little more useful with the addition of Search and the ability to upload full-resolution photos directly from your iOS device. These features, which Google added on Monday, work on all iOS 4.0 and later … Continue reading

Top 10 Twitter Trends of 2011

The People’s Republic of Twitterstan had quite a year indeed, what with record-breaking tweet surges, a growing active userbase and some serious celebrity brouhaha. But despite those peaks and valleys, the things people talk about on Twitter over the long … Continue reading

Procatinator Will Kill Your Productivity (While Being Awesome)

A brilliant new website has combined our love of wasting time and the Internet’s collective affection for cats. It’s called Procatinator, and I’m warning you now, it will suck all but the blackest of hearts into its vortex of awesome. … Continue reading

Facebook Bug Revealed Mark Zuckerberg’s Private Photos

A bug in Facebook’s code briefly gave users access to other users’ Facebook photos — including those of Mark Zuckerberg — without permission Tuesday. Members of a body building forum first spotted the bug, which appeared in a new feature … Continue reading