
What Are You Wearing? This App Wants You To Upload Your Outfit Every Day

First it was a social shopping app. Then it became a “fashion discovery engine.” Now Pose wants to be the place you upload your outfits to, every day. Pose is a mobile-based fashion startup from Los Angeles. The company released … Continue reading

Verizon Blocks Google Wallet From the Galaxy Nexus

Amidst security concerns, Verizon Wireless is blocking Google Wallet from the Galaxy Nexus smartphone. According to Bloomberg, Verizon will allow Google Wallet to run on the flagship Android 4.0 device once it is able to find a balance between “the … Continue reading

Steve Jobs Bio Is Amazon’s Best-Selling Book of 2011

Walter Isaacson’s bio of late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs topped Amazon’s list of the top-selling books of 2011, though the title is still number three for best-selling Kindle titles. While Amazon had predicted the bio, called Steve Jobs might take … Continue reading

Brands Increase Recall with TV/Digital Mix, Google Says

New research from Google and Ipsos claims that recall improves when TV spots appear again in YouTube pre-rolls, making a stronger case for its pre-roll and in-stream ads. Tests of 15- and 30-second spots for six ad campaigns using YouTube … Continue reading

‘Is It Old?’ Decides If Links You Share Are Dead, OK or Mad Fresh

Ever wonder whether that link you want to share with friends is still in its prime? Sure you have. And now a “mad fresh” website — Is It Old? — has swooped in to rescue you from embarrassingly distributing old … Continue reading

Futuristic Concept Car From Mercedes-Benz Wins L.A. Design Challenge [PICS]

The 2011 Los Angeles Design Challenge required participants to not only develop the Hollywood car of the future but also invent a story worthy of Hollywood filmmakers. Designers Sylvain Wehnert, Emiel Burki and Phillipp Haban from Mercedes-Benz Advanced Design Studios … Continue reading

Study Slams Kindle Fire Usability

A panel of mobile phone users found that Amazon’s new Kindle Fire tablet has an error-prone browser, a touchscreen too small for fingers and an overall “poor” user experience. A study from the Nielsen Norman Group – which was conducted … Continue reading

EU Investigates Publishers, Apple on Ebook Price Fixing

The European Commission has opened an investigation into whether a group of international publishers — possibly with the help of Apple – has been fixing ebook prices, and breaching EU antitrust rules. The publishers involved are Hachette Livre (Lagardère Publishing, … Continue reading

iRobot’s Roomba Revenge Attacks Virtual Dust Bunnies

Roomba Revenge Roomba 200 Click here to view this gallery. Ever since iRobot launched Roomba, the disc-shaped robotic floor vacuum, it’s been hard to ignore the sometimes comic possibilities. SNL once famously parodied the product, which has sold millions of … Continue reading

Only 5% of Adults Use Location-Based Checkin Apps [REPORT]

Do you check in on Foursquare or another location-based app on a weekly basis? If so, you’re among just 2% of the adult population, according to a new report. Forrester Research surveyed 37,000 people with mobile phones and found that … Continue reading