
Earth, Meet Your Long-Lost Sibling: The Christmas Planet

It may sound like something from a very special episode of Doctor Who, but the Christmas planet is real. What’s more, it’s the most Earth-like world yet discovered. The planet, more properly known as Kepler 22-b, was revealed to the … Continue reading

Is This the Flexible Tablet of the Future? [VIDEO]

Yes, the tablets of today are cool, handy devices, but if Samsung makes good on the promises from its latest video, showing a conceptual tablet with a flexible AMOLED screen, then the tablets of the future will make the current … Continue reading

Carrier IQ Speaks: 5 Key Takeaways

As the Carrier IQ scandal continues to heat up — now with even more lawsuits — the company has chosen to break its silence by speaking with the press. Dieter Bohn and Sean Hollister from The Verge managed to score … Continue reading

Alien Worlds Explained: From Rogue Planets to Super-Earths [INFOGRAPHIC]

NASA scientists announced Monday they’ve found the most Earth-like world ever discovered. Kepler 22-b, as it’s called, is located in the Goldilocks zone – not too far from its sun, and not too close, which means it might have the … Continue reading

Facebook for Android Update Coming With Dedicated Places App?

What you see in the image above is what the new Facebook application for Android might look like. The 1.8 version of the software bit is reportedly codenamed “Katana” and while the final version might be somewhat different, the screenshots … Continue reading

Mashable Weekend Recap: 32 Stories You May Have Missed

We gave you a plethora of news, views and weekend hullabaloo here at Mashable over the past couple of days — but if you missed it, the Weekend Recap is your humble servant. We published helpful hints, online shopping tips, … Continue reading

2011 Portfolio Mashes Year in Film into 7:44 Epic Minutes [VIDEO]

Each day, Mashable highlights one noteworthy YouTube video. Check out all our viral video picks. This video finally answers the question: What would the entire year in film look like as one massive, epic trailer? Mashup artist “hatinhand” stitched together … Continue reading

Ralph Lauren Transforms Online Catalog Into Holiday Greeting Cards

By now, we know that online greeting cards can be a way to spread brand awareness among networks of friends, but can they be used to drive sales as well? Ralph Lauren is about to find out. For the holidays, … Continue reading

RIM Executive Faces Charges Over BlackBerry ‘Stampede’ [VIDEO]

RIM may have fallen on hard times in the U.S. smartphone market, but in other parts of the world, its device still commands incredible interest. In Indonesia, demand for a 50% discount on one of the company’s smartphones was so … Continue reading

Special Seats for Tweeting At Theaters: Annoyance or Enhancement? [POLL]

Pulling out a brightly lit smartphone to compose a tweet during a symphony or ballet is generally considered a faux paus of the highest order. But in some theaters, it’s a welcome activity — in designated seats, at least. Connecticut’s … Continue reading