
Guys Scream Like Girls in New Justin Bieber Commercial [VIDEO]

I scream, you scream, we all scream … like Justin Bieber’s loudest female fans? That’s the concept behind Macy’s new winter holiday commercial, which stars a ton of dudes reacting like teenage girls whenever the Biebz graces them with his … Continue reading

Ultrabooks Get Ready for Their Close-Up at CES 2012 [VIDEO]

If 2011 was the year of the tablet, 2012 may well be the year of the Ultrabook. Up to 50 new models of the extremely thin, lightweight laptops are going to be unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in … Continue reading

Why Brands Need Friends – Not Fans – on Facebook

Clyde McKendrick is founder and executive strategy director of innovations and insights lab Cultural Capital, an integrated advertising agency based within WDCW-LA. Clyde has spent the last 15 years guiding brands like Pepsi, Red Bull and T-Mobile to develop their … Continue reading

Regis Philbin’s Farewell Nets 21,000 Comments on Social Networks [INFOGRAPHIC]

Friday morning’s “Live! With Regis and Kelly” send-off special for Regis Philbin ignited a firestorm of online activity, helping it edge out all other 2011 morning talk show episodes as far as number of comments posted across social media websites. … Continue reading

Galaxy Nexus and Android 4.0 Strut Their Stuff in New Ad [VIDEO]

Samsung Galaxy Nexus, the first smartphone with the latest Android 4.0 or Ice Cream Sandwich operating system, will be reaching the hands of customers today. Samsung has marked the occasion with a video ad for the device. In our review, … Continue reading

Twilight vs. Harry Potter: The Social Universe Picks a Winner

All right, let’s settle this: Is Twilight more powerful than Harry Potter in terms of social anticipation and buzz? Mashable spoke with two sentiment analysis companies to get a grip on how the social universe is responding to The Twilight … Continue reading

Top 10 Black Friday Deals on Social Media

Black Friday is a lot like Facebook — you’re either obsessed with it, or you try to avoid it at all costs. It’s also equally as fast and crowded, which is why the two are so perfect for each other! … Continue reading

Now You Can See the Source of Einstein’s Genius

When Albert Einstein died in 1955, the literal symbol of his brilliance - his brain – was preserved and pieces of it divided between research institutions for academic study. Now the Mütter Museum of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, a … Continue reading

Lobbyists and Politicians Beware: First Street Reveals Your Hidden Connections

Politics is as much about who you know as what you know. That’s why the website First Street wants to help us learn more about the who of politics — and how they’re all connected. The site details the allegiances … Continue reading

It’s the Last day to Nominate Your Favorites for the Mashable Awards

Nominations for the Fifth Annual Mashable Awards have been open for a little over a month, and today marks the last day of the nomination period. We already received well over 200,000 nominations, which will make the voting period even … Continue reading