
Selena Gomez, Startup Investor [VIDEO]

Pop star Selena Gomez is now invested in more than just her music career and her romantic relationship with Justin Bieber. She just put a pile of cash into Postcard on the Run, a free app that creates photo postcards … Continue reading

Delete Your Fake Facebook Friends on National Unfriend Day [VIDEO]

Come on, everyone knows your hundreds (or tens, or maybe thousands) of Facebook friends aren’t always the same as your real friends. ABC late-night host Jimmy Kimmel says you should start deleting those folks you barely know. Thursday marks the … Continue reading

Yelp By the Numbers: 61 Million Visitors a Month, $58 Million Revenue

Yelp opened the hood on its financial operations on Thursday, giving potential investors a look inside the company’s business. In a prospectus filed with the SEC ahead of its planned IPO, Yelp revealed the company is not yet profitable, but … Continue reading

Can Occupy Wall Street Match the Tea Party’s Offline Effectiveness?

Jesse Comart serves as a communications and public affairs consultant at the Glover Park Group (GPG). Before joining GPG, he worked on policy and communications issues for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Follow Jesse on Twitter at @jcomart. People continue … Continue reading

The Importance of Being Awesome [VIDEO]

In order to capture the audience’s attention after lunch at the Mashable Media Summit, Faris Yakob, chief innovation officer of MDC Partners’ kbs+p and founding partner of Spies & Assassins, had to be awesome. Yakob is trying to do so … Continue reading

BREAKING: Yelp Files for IPO

Yelp, the popular local reviews service, has filed for a 2012 IPO that could raise approximately $100 million for the company. Yelp has been preparing for its IPO for a while now, ever since it rejected a $500 million acquisition … Continue reading

Flipboard Upgrade Brings Tumblr and 500px Support

Flipboard, the popular news app for iPad, has announced big changes as part of its Version 1.6 update. The free app now includes Tumblr and 500px integration as well as new syncing tools. Like the Zite did last month, Flipboard now … Continue reading

Jetpacks Finally Go on Sale…for $100,000 [VIDEO]

For years, comedians and commentators have bemoaned the fact that jetpacks, as imagined in 1950s sci-fi movies, never materialized. As of spring 2012, though, the dream will become a reality — if you have $100,000 to spend, that is. A … Continue reading

3 Ways To Keep Cause Marketing Authentic

The Commerce With a Conscience Series is supported by Fedex. FedEx does more than shipping. They offer solutions like transporting heart valves to those in need and helping entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life. See how. Within the past few … Continue reading

Police Raid Occupy Wall Street Day of Action [VIDEO]

Violence escalated this afternoon in Zuccotti Park after protesters called for a Global Day of Action at all Occupy protests Nov. 17, marking two months since the beginning of the movement. Dozens have been arrested after protesters attempted to storm … Continue reading