
Google Has the Most-Followed Brand Page on Google+ [STUDY]

The brand with the biggest following on Google+ appears to be … Google. The finding came out of a study from BrightEdge, which discovered that 61 of the top 100 global brands had a Google+ page the week after Google … Continue reading

How Transmedia Storytelling Is Changing TV

Lisa Hsia is Executive Vice President of Bravo Digital Media. Until now, media companies have focused on getting audiences to watch shows “live” via a TV set, where the bulk of advertising dollars are. But transmedia storytelling — which is … Continue reading

Windows 8 Will Make Automatic Updates Far Less Painful

Microsoft is re-architecting the process for automatic updates in Windows 8, with a focus on minimizing restarts and reducing interruptions. Windows Updates have sometimes been a pain point for users. The update pop-ups can interrupt a movie or a video … Continue reading

Facebook Reveals its User-Tracking Secrets

For the first time, Facebook has revealed details about how it tracks users across the web. Through interviews with Facebook engineering director Arturo Bejar, Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes, Facebook corporate spokesman Barry Schnitt and Facebook engineering manager Gregg Stefancik, USA … Continue reading

Rockstar Takes Us Behind the Scenes of Max Payne 3 [NSFW VIDEO]

Rockstar, the studio behind Grand Theft Auto, has dropped another teaser video for Max Payne 3, its much-delayed, highly anticipated third-person shooter. The Max Payne series began in 2001 and quickly gained attention for its dark subject matter and noir … Continue reading

Salvation Army Red Kettles Now Accept Credit Card Donations With Square

It’s nearly Thanksgiving and you know what that means: Everyone’s already thinking about Christmas. The Salvation Army is certainly thinking ahead with the introduction of a brand new way to donate to charity this holiday season. The Salvation Army is … Continue reading

Real-Time Data: You’re Doing It Wrong [VIDEO]

When it comes to predicting the future, Chartbeat’s CEO Tony Haile thinks you’re awful. At the Mashable Media Summit, Haile spoke about the importance of real-time data and what your business should be doing with that information. “The more we … Continue reading

Dinosaur Jr. Goes Retro, Reissues 3 Albums on Cassettes

Legendary noise rock band Dinosaur Jr. has joined the cassette revival movement, issuing the “Cassette Trilogy,” a limited edition box set with three classic albums on cassette. If you’re under 25, you might not even remember the cassette, an analog … Continue reading

45 Carriers Endorse NFC as Mobile Payment Standard

Near-field communications (NFC) is far from being a standard in mobile payments, but the wave-and-pay technology may have gotten its biggest vote of confidence yet from the carrier community today, as some 45 of them endorsed NFC and committed to … Continue reading

Forget Text, Vimessa Brings Visual Voicemail to the Masses

Vimessa, a Y Combinator-funded startup, has launched a straightforward video messaging platform for mobile. The app, now available in the Apple App Store, lets users record videos of any length, save them and send them to friends and family. It … Continue reading