
35-Foot Robot Snake Weighs a Ton, Causes Nightmares [VIDEOS]

Because we’re posting this story around bedtime for many of our readers, we must warn you that you might carefully consider whether you want to watch this video of a 35-foot robot snake. This monstrous electro-mechanical beast named Titanoboa weighs … Continue reading

Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian Answers Reader Questions [LIVE CHAT]

Alexis Ohanian is the co-founder of social news site Reddit, founder of publisher Breadpig, helped launch Hipmunk, a YCombinator alumnus and ambassador, an angel investor, and startup adviser. He is the author of the upcoming book, “Without Your Permission.” To … Continue reading

The Science Behind Airport Body Scanners

The Tech Innovators Series is supported by Lenovo. Lenovo does not just manufacture technology. They make Do machines — super-powered creation engines designed to help the people who do, do more, do better, do in brand new ways. With the … Continue reading

5 Things Business Owners Can Learn From Steve Jobs

This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. Steve Jobs died more than a month ago, and the media has gone through its two … Continue reading

Twitter Adds New SMS Options [VIDEO]

Twitter has added SMS notifications for the Activity Stream, which was recently added to the service’s web interface. Now, Twitter users that have enabled SMS notifications can get text updates when other users retweet them, follow them or favorite their … Continue reading

Meet Art Levinson, Apple’s New Chairman

Apple has appointed Arthur Levinson, one of Silicon Valley’s most respected leaders, as the company’s new Chairman of the Board. Who exactly is Levinson, and why has Apple chosen him to lead the board? Levinson has served on Apple’s board … Continue reading

Nook Tablet Arrives Earlier than Expected

Customers who’ve pre-ordered Barnes & Noble’s Nook Tablet will receive it on Wednesday, two days ahead of schedule, a Barnes & Noble spokesperson told CNET. Also, customers who’ve pre-ordered the device for in-store pickup will be able to do so … Continue reading

What the Next 40 Years of Technology Might Look Like

This post is supported by Intel, Sponsors of Tomorrow™ and the world leader in silicon innovation, in celebration of the world’s first microprocessor: the Intel 4004. We asked you, the Mashable community, what you think the next 40 years of … Continue reading

Orange Releases 3 Budget Facebook Phones for Emerging Markets

Facebook is about to get a brand new bag with the release of three budget phones aimed at new smartphone users and developing communities. The phones were developed by Alcatel and will be released and supported exclusively by Orange, one … Continue reading

Stop Online Piracy Act: What You Need to Know [INFOGRAPHIC]

Wondering what’s going on with the Stop Online Piracy Act, otherwise known as SOPA? Here’s an infographic that boils it all down to the key points for you. Protests against the bill now under consideration by the U.S. House of … Continue reading