
How Occupy Wall Street Is Building Its Own Internet [VIDEO]

Protesters at Zuccotti Park have enough resources to satisfy a small village: hot food, live entertainment, even a library. But perhaps their most effective resource comes from a nine-foot-high pole known as the “Freedom Tower”, usually stationed at the southwest … Continue reading

How Samsung Used Angry Birds to Generate Over 12 Million Minutes of Brand Engagement

The Modern Media Agency Series is supported by IDG. The only thing to grow faster than electronic communication is the amount of digital content. It’s difficult for buyers to find what they want. It’s not much easier for sales reps … Continue reading

How Salman Rushdie Used Twitter to Defeat Facebook

In the annals of Facebook, this will hardly be remembered as the social network’s finest hour. On Monday, world-famous author Salman Rushdie, who won the “Booker of Booker” prize for his novel Midnight’s Children, revealed that Facebook had deleted his … Continue reading

BlackBerry London: Leaked Image of First BBX OS Phone Appears

Is this the first smartphone running BBX, the new BlackBerry operating system RIM unveiled last month? It is, according to both The Verge, which obtained the above photo, and BGR, which said it confirmed the photo’s authenticity with a “trusted … Continue reading

Occupy Wall Street Gets the Boot, As Twitter Watches and Reacts

#OWS End Right Now Click here to view this gallery. If you were watching Twitter last night and this morning, then you already know: the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York is — at least temporarily — no more. … Continue reading

Tay Zonday Fixes the Economy With Music [VIDEO]

Each day, Mashable highlights one noteworthy YouTube video. Check out all our viral video picks. “Are you confused about the economy? Well have no fear/I’m going to explain the American economy right now,” sings Tay Zonday in his newest video … Continue reading

Ford Uses Giant Words With Friends Game to Reveal New Car

Ford has teamed up with social game developer Zynga to host what it has dubbed the world’s largest Words With Friends game to promote its 2013 Escape model. Words With Friends is a Scrabble-like social game in which players compete … Continue reading

Sprint Undercuts Verizon and AT&T With New Mobile Broadband Plans

Sprint revealed new mobile broadband plans for tablet and mobile hotspot devices on Monday, with prices that are lower per gigabyte than those offered by rivals Verizon and AT&T. Learn more about them and how they compare to the competition … Continue reading

Google Lets Wireless Access Point Owners Opt Out of Its Database

Google has announced a method to let wireless access point owners all over the world opt out of having their AP included in Google’s Location Server. Google Location Server is a large location database that lists access points all over … Continue reading

Virgin Atlantic Launches Flight Status Bot on Twitter

Virgin Atlantic has launched a Twitter bot that lets you quickly check your flight status on the microblogging service. To use the feature, you can send a tweet to @VAAInfo with your flight number and departure in the format “VSXX … Continue reading