
10 Epic YouTube Videos That Will Get You Pumped for Skyrim

1. Shredding Metal Theme Song This face-melting rendition of the game’s theme is a riotous call to pick up the controller and get straight to the dragon slaying. Click here to view this gallery. On midnight 11/11/11, RPG fanboys (and … Continue reading

Coca-Cola Launches Its First U.S. QR Code Program

Millions of Coca-Cola cups circulating this month will sport QR codes for a program that supports the brand’s holiday mascot, the polar bear. The brand is partnering with the World Wildlife Federation for the initiative, which aims to help conserve … Continue reading

Apple Admits iOS 5.0.1 Did Not Fix All Battery Issues

Apple has acknowledged that the iOS 5.0.1 update that promised to address reports of poor battery performance on iOS devices has not, in fact, fixed the problem for some devices owners. “The recent iOS software update addressed many of the … Continue reading

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Goes to War … With Modern Warfare 3 Sales

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the latest game in Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls franchise, has been released, adding to the general excitement and mayhem of a blockbuster Autumn for the video game industry. The big fight taking place right now is … Continue reading

Hands On: Motorola Droid Razr Is Super-Thin, But Not Quite Super [PICS]

The Motorola Droid Razr rolls out to the United States on Friday, bringing an unusually thin smartphone into the hands of Android aficionados. Let’s put it to the test. Its claim to fame is its industrial design — the ultra-thin … Continue reading

NASA to Send a Car-Sized Rover to Mars This November

NASA is undergoing final preparations to launch its most advanced rover to Mars on November 25. The rover named Curiosity will be carried to Mars by an Atlas V rocket, which is already awaiting liftoff at the Cape Canaveral Air … Continue reading

New Yorker, Wired and More Coming Free to Kindle Fire for 3 Months

It’s not just apps making their way to the Kindle Fire — some 400 magazines and newspapers will also be made available when the device goes on sale Tuesday, some through extensive free trials, Amazon announced on Friday. Magazine publishers … Continue reading

One Day on Earth Crowdsources 11/11/11 Moments Across the World

Volunteer videographers around the world are shooting footage Friday for the second “One Day On Earth” documentary, which aims to capture the world in moving pictures. One Day On Earth is an entirely crowdsourced project. Anyone, anywhere in the world … Continue reading

Rick Perry Reveals Top 10 Excuses for His Mental Lapse

U.S. presidential candidate Rick Perry poked fun at himself Thursday night on The Late Show with David Letterman, jokingly firing off 10 excuses for why he flubbed his talking points during Wednesday’s on-air GOP debate. Skip the first 52 seconds … Continue reading

Veterans Day: 8 Online Ways to Thank Our Troops

Today, Veterans Day, we honor those who defend our country. Our service members remind us that there are few things more important than doing what we can to make a difference in the lives of others. Social media has become … Continue reading