
Facebook Timeline: The Next Step Is Coming Soon

Last night I went in search of an answer to a question that has vexed this industry for weeks: When will Facebook Timeline officially launch to the masses? The world’s most popular social network was holding a tiny gathering in … Continue reading

5 Google Paid Search Products You Need to Know

For many digital marketers, the fall of 2011 might be remembered for bringing dynamic advertising to paid search. Google’s newest offering, said to flip “the search engine on its head,” does away with the traditional keyword advertising approach in lieu … Continue reading

How Citizen Journalism Is Reshaping Media and Democracy

Layla Revis is vice president of digital influence at Ogilvy PR Worldwide. Her specialties include international affairs, tourism and multicultural marketing. “So long as the dominant culture’s images of the world continue to be sold to others as the image … Continue reading

8 Digital Trends Shaping the Future of Media [VIDEO]

At the Mashable Media Summit last Friday, Pete Cashmore provided a broad overview of media’s trajectory. He covered the rapidly advancing mobile industry, the relationship between tablet technology and the current media climate, and social interaction around TV and music. … Continue reading

11/11/11 Is “Nerd New Year” — Here’s How to Turn it Up to 11

Nerds and numerologists get ready: the last binary date of the 21st century is approaching. Friday is 11/11/11 — a highly significant date if you believe in the power of numbers. No doubt thousands of us will see the preponderance … Continue reading

Asteroids Gunner Takes Classic Game to the Next, Mobile Level

Asteroids Gunner Opening Screens The opening screen is a clear indication that this isn’t your father’s Asteroids. Click here to view this gallery. An aircraft carrier-sized asteroid zipped by Planet Earth Wednesday. It was hundreds of thousands of miles away … Continue reading

Google+ Circles Get a Boost With Katango

Google has acquired Katango, a startup that has developed advance people-sorting algorithms, in order to improve the quality of Google+ Circles. “Katango was founded a little over a year ago to develop social algorithms that improve people’s online social interaction,” … Continue reading

Yelp Mocks Rick Perry in iPhone App Update

Yelp fixed three types of bugs in its iPhone app on Thursday: Bookmarks-related bugs, iOS5 styling and layout bugs and “um… uh, what’s the third one? Let’s see… Bookmarks iOS, layout and the um.. the third one we can’t recall. … Continue reading

LazyMeter Could Make Your To-Do List a Done List

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: LazyMeter Quick Pitch: LazyMeter is … Continue reading

10 Unforgettable On-Air Political Bloopers [VIDEOS]

Rick Perry: “Oops” 2012 presidential candidate Rick Perry drew a massive blank Wednesday night during CNBC’s “Your Money, Your Vote” GOP debate. On stage in Michigan, Perry attempted to rattle off three federal government agencies he would eliminate, but failed … Continue reading